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The Principal's Newsletter

Secondary Exam Week

By Mr Martin Hughes

Dear Parents and

Middle and Senior Year residential to Dali. We are very pleased that we have had a good level of response for the Y7-9 trip to Dali.  This has been moved to 2nd-6th June.  This is because the take up from Y10-13 was much lower, so this is not able to go ahead as a separate trip.  The issue of the cost was the main factor, mentioned by parents. The Y10-13s will cover other curricular aspects in place of going on a residential trip, so the programme will not be compromised.  For those Y7-9 students who are not able to go on the residential there will be an alternate programme put on for them in school.

Y5 and 6 residential to Luoyang. There has been a gradually growing take up for the Luoyang trip.  At a meeting last Thursday a number of questions were raised by parents.  Some of these were able to be answered whilst others needed to wait till the trip was confirmed as going ahead.  I am pleased to tell you that we are intending to go ahead with the trip.  This means that the next stage of the planning can commence.  A meeting will be held a little nearer the time of the trip so the final plans and details can be shared with parents.

We would very much like to make residential trips an integral part of our programme.  We realise that we need to survey the views of the community more in order to make not only a robust trip to support the curriculum, but one that also meets parents’ expectations including on affordability.  We are currently reviewing proposals on how this may be integrated into our programme next year.

Parent Liaison Team. We have gradually been enlarging our Parent Liaison team.  You will find various members of this team communicating with you and handling initial enquiries on every aspect of school life.  Depending on the nature of the question they will either deal with it directly themselves or pass it on to the relevant member of staff.   Ms May Liu ( continues to be our Liaison Manager.  May is fluent in English and Chinese.  Also in the team are Lucy Liu ( whose main role is liaison in Korean.  She speaks Korean and Chinese, but also speaks a growing amount of English.  April Hu ( is fluent in English, Korean and Chinese.  April has rejoined us this week after completing her Masters degree in Educational Technology.  Her role is as the main support for May Liu working with many nationalities.  This team deals with all parent enquiries and initial contact for admissions.  They also spend a lot of time translating various school communications and documents.

Exam Week. Following the completion of Exams and marking of scripts, parents should receive an email on Friday 4th, April containing the Grade Card for your son/daughter. If you require any further information or guidance, please contact our liaison manager, Ms May Liu, by email ( or phone the school office, so that she can best direct your enquiry to the most suitable person.

Best regards,

Martin Hughes


Forthcoming events

Thursday, 3rd                               Buses leave at 3:45pm – no ECAs

Friday, 4th                                    Football match (SY and MYs) at XIS

Friday, 4th                                    Exam grade cards emailed to parents of MY and SY

Friday, 4th                                    School closes for Qing Ming holiday

Monday, 14th                              School opens

Tuesday, 15th                              Extra Curricular Activities (ECAs) begin Block 4

Friday, 25th                                  Sports Day

About the Author

Martin Hughes

Former School Principal

Mr Martin Hughes was the founding Principal of Hanova from 2012-15. Prior to his time at Hanova, he already had 23 years of experience as Principal in the UK and China at five different schools - including posts at Wuxi EtonHouse and EtonHouse's flagship Suzhou school. During his time as founding Principal at Hanova, he helped support the initial IB Diploma Programme authorisation (2014) and used his educational vision to help plant our then brand new school on a firm foundation. Under his leadership, Hanova's motto emerged, "Enabling children to become independent, creative and lifelong learners!"

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