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The Principal's Newsletter

Hanova celebrates its 2016-17 International Day

By Francesco Masetti-Placci

Dear Parents and friends,

Hereafter the news and the activities information related to this past week, while we will write you next week about the fun and activities organized to celebrate Halloween.

International Day.  Last Saturday, 22nd October, we had our fifth annual International Day, community event to celebrate all the nationalities we have at Hanova. It was lovely to have so many parents join the event and our activities.

The day had started with an informal parade, with many students, staff and parents dressed in clothes representing their own country. We then enjoyed and shared different foods, organized by students and parents, community and also kindly donated by our partner hotels.

In parallel to the cultural and fun activities, this year there was also our 1st annual Hero’s Cup Football Tournament, where students, staff and parents were playing in teams arranged by continents.

Many thanks to all for sending and organizing food and activities, showing enthusiasm with flags and costumes, spent time attending and enjoying the event: without you such an event would not have been so successful.

Homework in the MYP.  This week a brief highlight related to homework guidelines for MYP students. All students in Years 7, Year 8 and Year 9 have been given a Communication Diary to help you and their Homeroom Teacher to monitor your child’s homework. Students are required to do homework for 2 subjects per day and each subject for 30 minutes. Please see the homework timetable below.

Year 7

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
English Chinese Korean / English Extension Science Maths
Science Reading

(any language)

Maths Design Humanities

Year 8

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
English Chinese Science Korean / English Extension Science
Humanities Design Maths Maths Reading

(any language)

Year 9

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Chinese Maths Korean / English Extension Science Maths

(any language)

Science Design English Humanities


Please check that your child has done their homework every evening, and sign on the page or write a note to the teacher. We hope that this will improve our communication and the support to our students.

In years 10 & 11 students are required to complete classwork at home, if necessary, and in addition complete other work (to be submitted in one week’s time). They are encouraged to use this time management schedule.

Debate Conference & University Fair.  During the weekend of November 5th and 6th, Hanova will host the first ESL debate tournament in the Shaanxi province, an event part of a program organized all over China involving students who consider English as their Second Language. This event complements the successful MUN (Model United Nations) activity already launched last year. Many schools from Xi’an and outside Xi’an will participate and it will be a fantastic opportunity for our community to show how great is our school and its students. We are grateful to Mrs. Masetti ( ), our MUN Director, for the opportunity to host this prestigious event on our campus.

In addition, Saturday November 5th in the auditorium, 17 American universities will host a College Fair where everybody is invited, especially senior students and parents. It is a unique opportunity to ask questions about admissions policies and have a comprehensive view of what these universities may offer. For more information contact our University Counselor Ms. Zhu ( ).

Warm Winter Donations Initiative.  You all know that Hanova is encouraging students, teachers and staff to demonstrate leadership and social responsibility to our community.

Last week, hopefully you would’ve received a message in your child’s communication diary to help the homeless this winter by donating money to the cause! The year 10 students who organized this event (Alexander Currie, Alessandro Sanita and Micah Rice) have raised a total of 2564 RMB to buy warm garments for the cold winter of Xi’an for those in need! The year 10 students will be delivering the goods purchased with the money to the Yellow River Soup Kitchen, who will distribute them during a midnight search for the homeless!

We as a school would like to thank everyone who participated in this initiative, whether teachers, parents, guardians, or students! The Soup Kitchen wishes to thank all of you once again for your kind heart toward those in need!

Ha-MO-va 2016.  Another charity activity is now arriving soon: many of the teachers and staff members at Hanova start to get very fuzzy faces during the month of November. Ever since our first year here at Hanova, we have had a tradition of participating in “Movember”.

For those of you who are not familiar with this event, it started in Australia in the 1980’s and has since spread all around the world. Originally, the purpose of Movember was to raise awareness for men’s health issues, but we have adapted it to raise funds for charities of our choice. And we started calling it “Ha-MO-va” at our school!

Movember is an easy way to raise funds: teachers and staff do not shave their faces for the entire month of November. At the end of the month, those who decide to participate will style their facial hair however they like and then students will vote on who has the Best Movember and Worst Movember, raising money along the way. Parents, feel free to join in!

School Uniforms.  We remind to parents again that students should wear appropriate school uniform. As we head into winter and the weather becomes increasingly colder here is a reminder about our ensuring appropriate uniform also in Secondary School.

Our Secondary School uniform is smart, setting our students apart from casual visitors and other school’s students. It is comfortable and easy to wear and is something for us, as a school community, to be proud of. The school has also sourced a school uniform jacket which is on order. We will contact you as soon as it is available.

Mrs. Smith will send appropriate communication to Secondary students and parents, and if you have any problem please don’t hesitate to contact our Liaison officer Ms. Yang (

Thanks again for your continuing support.


Francesco Masetti-Placci

About the Author

Francesco Masetti-Placci

Former School Principal

Dr. Masetti-Placci was a former school Principal of Xi'an Hanova International School from 2015-2018. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of Bologna and a Master in Information Technology from Polytechnic of Milan, with studies also in France (University of Rennes) and the USA (Washington University). Before joining Hanova, he previously has taught in secondary schools and universities in Italy, France, USA and China.

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