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The Principal's Newsletter

Three universities visit Hanova

By Francesco Masetti-Placci

Dear Parents and friends,

Hereafter the news about last week’s activities.

Secondary Assemblies. Last week Secondary School concluded the series of Assemblies with a Celebration of Success for our DP students. The awards and citations show their impressive progress and achievements at Hanova and give us confidence about the upcoming results.

University Visits. We continue to have representatives and admission officers from universities visiting Hanova. Last week we had Azusa Pacific University and University of Central Missouri, both from the USA. This week we will host the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

In parallel, our Year 13 students continue to receive offers from universities around the world, to continue their studies after the Diploma Programme graduation.

We always welcome parents to our university meetings and if you have any question, please contact our University Counselor Ms. Zhu ( ).

Secondary Visual Arts. Our new, experienced Secondary teacher of Visual Arts has started her tenure at Hanova, and she already had the pleasure of meeting the wonderful students in her classes and learn about them and their background.

Part of the visual art syllabus is to gain skill and confidence in drawing. To do this it is usually set up a STILL LIFE, which is a group of objects arranged in a balanced composition. She would like to ask the parents to bring and donate objects to the art room – such as vases, teapots, dolls or anything that can add a cultural influence. Other examples can be old saucepans, dishes with patterns, lanterns, decorative umbrellas or even artificial flowers or plants. Any fabrics could be also interesting, such as tablecloths, silks or woven textiles. Objects need to be of different heights, colors and textures to make an interesting drawing. Mrs. Prazak would like to add resources in the Art Studio with your help, to make it dynamic, colorful and exciting for the students to draw. Thank you in advance on her behalf and do not hesitate to contact her at .

PYP Year 1A celebration. Year 1A celebrated their 100th day of school at Hanova. They had been counting up to 100 daily and doing the math by regrouping every 10 days and moving a counter from the ones column to the 10s column. Then when they reached 100, they regrouped to the 100s column. To celebrate that day, all the students brought in 100 snacks and grouped them in 10s and shared them so everyone had 10 groups of 10 snacks for snack for the rest of the week and then they tried to balance 100 balloons before ending the day by writing in their journal about their favorite activity of the day. All students and some parents had a wonderful day and learned so much about numeracy, but best of all they celebrated the 100th day in a most lovely way.

Parent Information Sessions. We continue the Parent Information Sessions according to the program, every Wednesday from 3.45pm in the Meeting Room on the 2nd floor.

Last week we had a session about Learning Diversity & Inclusion, this week the topic will be Literacy in Primary School. I would like to thank the parents who are coming to these sessions.

Please see the proposed topics and confirm to Primary or Secondary office or to the Marketing and Liaison Team your attendance.

Primary Football. On Friday, our Primary Football Team played here on campus against XIS. Our team played very well and won the game with merit. We will provide more details in next week’s newsletter, with the students’ account of the game.

Primary Assemblies. A reminder about the Primary School upcoming Assemblies on Fridays with focus on special performances and activities. This week it will be the focus will be on Book Week.

Thanks again for your continuing support.


Francesco Masetti-Placci


Upcoming Events

Tuesday 28th February         University visit: Chinese University of Hong Kong

Wednesday 1st March          Information Session: Literacy in Primary School

Friday 3rd March                   No Assembly (Reading buddies)

Monday 6th March                University visit: Muhlenberg College

Wednesday 8th March          Information Session: Diploma Programme Options

Friday 10th March                 Book Characters Assembly

Wednesday 15th March        Information Session: English as an Additional Language

Tuesday 21st March             University visit: CIS University Tour (27 universities)

Wednesday 22nd March       Information Session: The Middle Years Programme

Monday 27th March              University visit: Merrimack College

Wednesday 29th March        Information Session: The Theory of Knowledge

Friday 31st March                  Last day of school before Spring Break

About the Author

Francesco Masetti-Placci

Former School Principal

Dr. Masetti-Placci was a former school Principal of Xi'an Hanova International School from 2015-2018. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of Bologna and a Master in Information Technology from Polytechnic of Milan, with studies also in France (University of Rennes) and the USA (Washington University). Before joining Hanova, he previously has taught in secondary schools and universities in Italy, France, USA and China.

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