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The Principal's Newsletter

Qingming Festival Break

By Francesco Masetti-Placci

Dear Parents and friends,

Next week we will have the last long holiday for this academic year, to celebrate Easter, Qingming and the arrival o Spring.

The Qingming Festival, also known as Tomb-Sweeping Day, is a traditional Chinese festival celebrated on the first day of the fifth solar term of the traditional Chinese calendar. During this festival, people take the opportunity to remember and honor their ancestors at grave sites.

Easter and the holidays that are related, is an important period in countries with Christian tradition or a with large Christian population, where it is associated with new life and rebirth. This year, Easter will be celebrated during the coming weekend.

Finally, all these festivals celebrate the arrival of Spring, which for us means the last set of activities before concluding this academic year. Hereafter this week’s short summary, and enjoy your holiday!

Diploma News. The final IB Diploma reports for Year 13 will be issued via Managebac on Friday 30th of March.

The grades and comments in this report are based upon the work the Year 13 students have been doing since the beginning of the academic year 2017-18. This includes all formative (preparatory) assessment and all summative (final) assessment in each Diploma subject.

Please be reminded that the subject grades reflect all formative and summative assessments undertaken so far and that any Internal Assessment (IA) grades being awarded by subject teachers will be moderated by external IB Moderators.

All of the students have successfully completed and submitted their Internal Assessment or eCoursework, and this has all been successfully up-loaded to IB for external assessment or external moderation by IB.

All of the students have now completed their 4000 word Extended Essay and you will see their Extended Essay comments and an estimated grade in the IB Diploma Coordinator Reflections. Please be advised that this is externally assessed.

The students have also completed their TOK programme. The TOK Essays were moderated internally by members of the TOK Team and individual students were given feedback by their TOK Essay Supervisor.

The combination of TOK and Extended Essay grades result in up to three “bonus” Diploma points, but both TOK and Extended Essay are assessed externally by an IB Examiner.

The students have also completed their Creativity Activity Service (CAS) and therefore IB has been informed that the students have successfully completed CAS so that they now qualify for their Diplomas.

The students successfully undertook their “mock” IB DP examinations in March, and the subject comments will indicate how they did in the various examination components.

The Year 13 students have had a very challenging academic year this year and should be applauded for their determination, commitment and perseverance. It’s now almost over; with just six weeks left before the examinations start, they should feel that most of the hard work is behind them and that they should use their time wisely in order to revise their subject material so that they can optimize what they have achieved so far.

On behalf of all their teachers and support staff, we wish them all the very best.

Primary News. Some update about our Nursery and Reception classes. Nursery students looked at how they have changed and drew their baby photos and how they look now. Reception class investigated good and bad actions in our school day, and are taking Action to improve our environment and care for living things.

A short update on the Year 6 Exhibition, because it is exciting to see Year 6 students busy working on their Exhibition projects. They spend a minimum of 2 hours a day researching, creating and collaborating and we are pleased with their enthusiasm, commitment and creativity.

Some of our Year 6 groups already went for their EOTC trips. Eric and Daniel visited a teenage court and interviewed Judge 孙宝霞 about various ways to solve conflicts and crimes. Jasmin, Raphael, Daniel K., Drake and Xuan explored Qinling Natural Park to find out more about habitats and endangered animals in China. Lily and Candy visited a dog shop and shelter to see how stray animals are cared for in various settings. We are very grateful to all Year 6 parents for their help in organizing students’ EOTC trips, with many more to come soon.

Year 6 students have organized a dress up – dress down day this week, to raise funds as a responsible action, which is part of their PYP learning experience. In this successful day the students have collected a total of 1300 RMB, to support their goal to help all those in needs, humans or animals.

Uniform & Dress Code. We remind to parents again that students should wear appropriate school uniform. Primary and Secondary leadership will send appropriate reminders and if you have any inquiry please contact our Liaison officer Ms. Qiu ( ).

Thanks again for your continuing support.


Francesco Masetti-Placci


Upcoming Events

Please note these upcoming dates for events and activities that will take place in the following weeks:

Friday 30th March                     Year 13 IB2/5 Final Reports

Monday 2nd April                      Qingming Festival / Spring Break – School closes

Monday 9th April                       School reopens

Friday, 13th April                       Year 13 DP Study Leave begins

Friday 20th April                        Sports Day

Monday, 30th April                     IB Diploma Exams start

Monday 30th April                      May Day Holiday – School closes

Wednesday 2nd May                 School reopens

Friday 18th May PYP                Student Led Conference

Friday 18th May                        IB Diploma Exams finish

About the Author

Francesco Masetti-Placci

Former School Principal

Dr. Masetti-Placci was a former school Principal of Xi'an Hanova International School from 2015-2018. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of Bologna and a Master in Information Technology from Polytechnic of Milan, with studies also in France (University of Rennes) and the USA (Washington University). Before joining Hanova, he previously has taught in secondary schools and universities in Italy, France, USA and China.

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