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Y5 Unit of Inquiry on States of matter and Learning how the world works

Dear Parents and friends

Y5 Unit of Inquiry on States of matter and Learning how the world works - written by Mr Jonathan Knibloe, Year 5 Teacher. Year 5 has been engaged with an inquiry into the natural world and its laws.  Using the scientific method to observe the world around us, students have been able to do a range of experiments to see states of matter in action. Students made some wonderful air pressure rocketships to full understand gases and air pressure.  It was a great experiment full of success and failure to really engage in the learning process.

Moving on to working with liquids students worked with making mixtures and slime.  Liquids are all around us, but raising expectations for our students, we helped them understand key concepts like viscosity and how liquids can be different.  To help with this idea, students took part in the famous ice cream experiment where we mix, measure, create, and eat our own ice cream in class.  Working with solids, students brought all of the ideas together with not only key vocabulary, but geometry.  It has been a wonderful investigation into how solids form with different geometric shapes and how we can observe these various solids in the world around us.

As we finish our Unit, our students will be asked to work with the Scientific Method to create their own final science experiments. Giving students the agency to showcase what they have learned is central to the Year 5 learning experience this year.  Empowering students to make, break, build, cut, and create their own final projects has been what makes learning fun.  Upwards and onwards team!

Y11 Korean War Exhibition - written by Mr Daewoo Lee, MYP & DP Korean. On Thursday 30th March, Y11 Korean class hold a small exhibition talking about the Korean war.

In the beginning of this semester, Y11 Korean class started studying diverse works of war genre, and now going forward to Korean war literature. Before exploring Korean war literature, students conducted researches on the course, background and victims of the war, having the exhibition. The reason why Y11 students hold this exhibition was not only because this topic can introduce Korean history, but also because it may help other students have critical thinking about the morality of warfare and nurture caring mind. Mr Lee praised Y11 Korean students for their research ability, and said “the students prove their ability to how to deliver significant informations of a theme”.

Nursery had a busy day - written by Ms Melissa Day, Nursery Teacher. On Friday 31st March, Nursery had a very busy day.  First thing in the morning, Ms. Sandy came to the classroom to tell us that we had some visitors. Imagine our surprise when we saw a police car and two kind police officers waiting for us.  The children not only got to see a demonstration by the officers, they were also allowed to activate the police siren and sit inside the car.  We learnt that we could fit the whole class inside at once.

Later, it was time to load the school car with all the dog and cat food donations that the children had collected.  The class had been collecting food for homeless dogs and cats, for two weeks and were proud to send such a large amount of donations to the shelter. Nursey Class and Xi’an Paws would like to thank you all for your kindness and generosity.

Primary Sports Day coming soon! - written by Mr Paul Robinson, Director of Sports.

Primary Sports Day

Friday 21st April 2023

First event 9am

Early Years 9:30am

Parents Events 2:30- 3pm

Friday April 21st is Hanova PYP Sports Day. We have a range of events from Track and Field events, through to relays and skill challenges. Will Han, Qin or Song be able to wrestle back the Sports Day shield from Tang?

This year the whole of Primary will be on the field, with the Early Years competitions finishing in the morning while the Upper Primary continues for the whole day.

The action begins at 9am and we are delighted to be able to welcome our parents to come and support their children on what is always a highlight of the school calendar.

We are also looking forward to our parents showing their “competitive” edge as we invite parents to participate in events such as Tug O’War and the 60m sprint. Parent events will be held from 230-3pm.

Former Head of School

Mr James McCrory

Former Head of School

Mr James McCrory was Hanova's Head of School for the 2022-23 school year. James graduated from Demontfort University in 1988 and worked in the commercial Design sector in Ireland, UK and Spain. He has worked in education since 1994 after completing his PGCE at Goldsmith’s College, London. The last 30 years in education includes 4 years in the UK, with the remaining years working divided between Spain, Japan and Kuwait, as well as leading schools in China over the last decade.

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