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News from the School

The School Newsletter is the official news publication of Xi’an Hanova International School. Since Hanova began in 2012, our school has regularly communicated to the Hanova Community about what has been happening inside and outside the school classrooms.

March 24, 2023

Y13 Visual Arts Exhibition - written by Ms Lily Li, DP Visual Arts Teacher. Last Friday, the Y13 Visual Arts students of Hanova International School held an Exhibition Opening Ceremony on the first floor of the Secondary building, which the students showcase their talent, skills and hard work over the past two years. Most of […]

March 17, 2023

Spring Football Season Underway - written by Mr Paul Robinson, Director of Sports.  Thursday 8th March saw the first ever Secondary School girls football team take to the field away to XIS. The girls were ably supported by some of our Year 6 footballers and in what was an excellent display ran out 4-1 winners, […]

March 10, 2023

Hanova students create a forest at Hanova - written by Mr Andrew Symonds, Year 4 Teacher. Last Friday, Hanova International School students planted 394 trees on our campus creating a forest that will be used for forest school and nature activities for years to come. The project was part of a year 4 advertising project […]

March 3, 2023

Hanova Young Scientist Win CREST Award - written by Ms Shirley Qi MYP Science Teacher. Congratulations to Hanova students receiving the CREST Bronze Award certificate issued by the prestigious British Science Association! There were 6 students from Y7-Y9 participating in the school's CREST Bronze Award program, and they have made a lot of efforts to achieve […]

February 24, 2023

MYP Chinese Acquisition Exhibition - Ms. Alina & Ms. Rae, MYP Chinese Teachers. Y11 Faith Gibbs: In Chinese acquisition class, students got the chance to take part in many different activities. Start from this month, students will share different projects with the Hanova community through the monthly exhibition. The first exhibition board is displayed in […]

February 17, 2023

Year 6 Light & Sound Assembly - written by Mr Bruce MacGregor & the Year 6 class.  Year 6 shared their understanding of Light and Sound in Friday’s assembly. Some students explained the organization of the unit and others showed their understanding by using Light and Sound to make the performances exciting with stage lighting, […]

November 25, 2022

Secondary performances in Art Assembly - written by Ms Krystal Jiang, MYP Music Teacher. On November 18, the students completed the art assembly this semester, which featured some music performances by the students in years 7, 10 and 11 music. This term year 7 focused on guitar learning and ensemble practice, they learned song structure […]

November 18, 2022

Bringing People Together- A Social Run along the River - written by Mr Paul Robinson, Director of Sports. It was unfortunate that the scheduled interschool Cross-County event was cancelled, but as the cross-country team had been preparing well for the event we decided to invite them for a Saturday morning run along the Ba River. […]

November 11, 2022

Year 1 Unit of Inquiry on Relationships - written by Ms Emma Tidmarsh, Year 1 Teacher. I am very excited to share the learning of our Y1 students with our school community. One of the most significant aspects of being a teacher is that it is a profession that creates all other professions. During our […]