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Student Financial Information


2024-2025 School Tuition & Enrolment Fees

We firmly believe in the quality of education that Hanova offers to the Xi'an community! If you are interested in enroling your child(ren) at our school, please take note of the financial information provided below:

2024-25 Tuition Schedule

Financial instructions, fees and information regarding Hanova’s 2024-25 school year

Year Level
Annual Fees

Reception / Nursery / Year 1

RMB 113,000

Year 2 – Year 6

RMB 144,000

Year 7 – Year 9

RMB 160,000

Year 10 – Year 11

RMB 177,000

Year 12 – Year 13

RMB 190,000

Application Fee

RMB 2,000

Registration Fee

RMB 5,000

* All prices are quoted in RMB

Additional School Fees & Payment Details

Tuition Fee Details

The annual Tuition Fee depends on the Year level and is set out in the table above. The annual Tuition Fee is payable in advance in two installments or annually according to the following schedule:

  • 1st installment (55% of the annual Tuition Fee) payable by 15 June of each year.
  • 2nd installment (55% of the annual Tuition Fee) payable by 15 November of each year.
  • Annual Fee (100% of the annual Tuition Fee) payable by 15 June of each year.
  • New enrolled students could only attend class before all the fees are paid according to the payment notice.

The Annual Tuition Fee is prorated for students who leave HIS early as follows(Applies to the students who paid annual tuition fee:

Termination effective in (month)

Refundable percentage of Annual Tuition Fee in case of early termination












  • The refund percentage will be calculated based on the date that the school receives the written notice from parents of early termination.

The Annual Tuition Fee is prorated for students who enroll at HIS late as follows (Applies to the students who paid annual tuition fee):

1st day of school in (month)

Payable % of Annual Tuition Fee in case of late termination

Aug/ Sep











  • For the students who pay1st installment or 2nd installment fees, in case of early termination, the tuition fee is non-refundable.
  • For the late enrolled students who pay 1st installment or 2nd installment fees, the tuition fee is charged according to the 55% of Annual Tuition Fee.
School Fees
Application Fee

Every new applicant who is applying for Hanova needs to pass the school application test and assessments, the application fee for this costs is RMB 2000 per student. This fee should be paid before the student attends the test, and it is non-refundable no matter if the test is passed or not.

Registration Fee

After the applicant completes the application test and assessment in Hanova and is admitted, the registration can be made: Registration Fee is RMB 5000/student, and it is non-refundable. This fee is due only once per student with the confirmation of the first registration.


An additional Deposit of RMB 5,000 is required to ensure the student’s place in the grade for 2024-2025 school year. It applies to all the return students and new students, and its entire amount shall be paid once. The Deposit is refundable when the student leaves the school permanently, less any deduction according to school and academic policies.

  • The total fees must be paid by the due date 15th June 2024
  • The deposit will be refunded in full if the Admissions Office receives written notification on or before the 1st June 2024 of your intention to leave HIS. The notice must be sent to the following email address:
  • After this date, the deposit will not be refunded.

Note that the Tuition fee covers the day-to-day tuition, the use of text and library books, general educational materials, academic programs and initiatives appropriate to the particular year group and participation to the vast majority of the field trips and co-curricular activities (save for a small number of activities and trips for which there is a nominal charge), and other miscellaneous items that support the school's overall educational programs. Additional academic activities and operational services may be temporarily included, but the school reserves the right to charge additional fees with due notice in the future.

No refund of any fees if the school cannot operate normally due to force majeure.

Computer / Others
  • Students in Year 1 to 4 have to own an iPad.
  • Students in Year 5 to 13 have to own a MacBook.
  • These can be purchased through our school or independently. Please contact our Admissions Office for up to date price lists and current specification requirements.
Payment Method & Terms

Payment Method & Terms

  • Tuition fee paid through bank transfer should indicate student ID number.

Bank Information
  • Bank’s Name: Bank of China Shaanxi Branch Gao Xin Keji Sub-Branch, Xi’an
  • Name of Account: Xi’an Hanova International School
  • Account No. (RMB): 1032 3865 8992
  • Account No. (USD): 1028 3969 3464
  • Account No. (EURO): 1020 3969 4648
  • Bank code: 1047 9100 3036
  • Swiftcode: BKCHCNBJ620

* Please indicate clearly from whom the funds come and quote our payment notice number.

** A late payment administrative fee of 2% per month cumulative on the amount outstanding will be assessed on all overdue payments.

Parent "Need to Know" Information
  • Parents should agree that in enrolling their child at Xi’an Hanova International School (Hanova), they must fully accept and endorse the school philosophy. Parents should agree to conform to the policies, rules and procedures of the school as established by the school Board of Governors, Leadership and the Administration.
  • Parents should recognize that full and accurate information about their child is important for the Admissions staff to properly assess Hanova’s ability to provide an appropriate educational program. They must understand that the withholding of records, especially those indicating that she or he has special needs or educational disabilities, may delay the admissions process, and could result in either the denial of admission, or in the case of my child being already enrolled, the reversal of that decision.
  • Parents should recognize that the initial placement decision with regard to class, grade level, and teacher is the decision of the school, but that the school will consult with them when making this decision.
  • Parents should confirm that their child will reside with them or a legally appointed guardian and they will inform the school in writing of any time at which they or the guardian will be temporarily absent from home. At such times they will inform the school of the name and contact of the responsible adult (not household help) who will have temporary guardianship of their child.
  • Parents should recognize that communication between the school and home is vitally important, particularly in times of emergency. They should agree to communicate freely and openly with their child’s teachers and the School Administration and will actively support the broader community life of the school, including reading school newsletters, participating in Hanova Emergency Telephone Tree, and attending school events, Parent Teacher Association (P.T.A.) meetings, and Parents-Teacher Conferences.
  • Parents must understand the importance of the school’s extracurricular activities and will encourage their child to participate as well as to other events and activities proposed by the school.
  • Parents should accept that the school acts with the best intent to ensure the well being and safety of their child and that there may be times, especially in cases of emergency, when the school will be required to make decisions and take action related to their child’s safety and well being without their prior approval. Parents should grant permission for such emergency actions to be taken.
  • Parents must understand that students who are unwell are best kept at home and they will not send their child to school if this is the case. Parents should accept as well the right of the school to send a sick child home and that it is my responsibility to arrange for appropriate and immediate transportation and care for their child once the school has contacted them. Parents should finally accept that the school may send a child home when there are issues related to behavior, uniform or any other reason that could be against the school codes and policies.
  • Parents must understand that school recess, breaks, sports and other activities occur daily during the normal academic studies on school premises. Staff members and/or other responsible adults will exercise all reasonable caution and supervision while on school campus. Parents must also understand that these and similar activities may occur on school premises also after the normal academic studies or during weekend events. However, Parents must understand that parent(s) agree(s) that the School and/or Board of Directors cannot accept liability for accidents during the activity itself on school grounds.
  • Parents should grant permission for their child’s name, images and examples of excellent academic and creative work to appear in school publications, such as the yearbook, the school web and social media sites, and school promotional publications and material.
  • Parents must agree that field trips or EOTC (Education Outside The Classroom) are an important component of the school’s curriculum and parents should agree to allow their child to accompany his or her class on fieldtrips as required by the school. Parents should give permission for their child to participate in short field trips within Xi’an, while parents should understand that they would be asked to sign additional permission slips for out of town and/or overnight field trips. Parents should understand that there may be out-of-pocket expenses associated with EOTC Trips and they should agree to pay these amounts.
  • Parents must read and understood the International Baccalaureate Organisation’s “General Regulations” posted on the school website and accept the regulations outlined as they pertain to whichever of the three IB programs (PYP, MYP, and DP) is relevant to their child during his or her time at Hanova.
  • Parents must understand that school policies, procedures, codes and rules are continuously being revisited to assure they meet the highest standards for every activity and regulation, and the expectations of the parents whose children we serve. Failure to accept the school policies, procedures, codes and rules and any deliberate attempts to circumvent them may result in different type of penalties up to possible dismissal of the involved child(ren) from the school.
  • Further to the parents’ recognition of the importance of communication between home and school they understand that the school reserves the right to request an exit interview at the time of their child’s exit from the school, which can provide very helpful information. Failure to comply with such a request may result in the withholding of school records until such interview has occurred.
  • Parents must finally understand that the signed application constitutes a binding agreement contract with the school once their child has commenced attendance at the school. They must also understand that their child’s continued attendance is subject to all the conditions being met.

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