An overview of our House System

Our house system was established in 2014 with the aim to provide a sense of competition and fun through a range of school based activities. All students and teaching members are attached to one of our four houses, to learn how to embrace challenges, to form friendships and work in collaboration across the year groups. It also gives senior students the opportunity to develop their potential for leadership.

House Leaders

Each house in the Secondary School has two house leaders, one boy and one girl. In the Primary School, each house also has two leaders, one captain and one vice-captain.Leaders in the Secondary School are elected by all the members of the house from the students in Years 10 & 11 in the house. In the Primary School leaders are elected from students in Year 6.

House Competitions

The houses compete with each other for the title: HOUSE OF THE YEAR, which is awarded at the end of each academic year. The competition is based on points earned in different activities. The activities are divided into 3 groups (Each group a hypertext link):

  • Academic achievement (knowledgeable, inquirers, thinkers and communicators)
  • Service activities (principled, open-minded & caring)
  • Sports activities (risk takers, balanced & reflective)

The same number of points are allocated to each set of activities to ensure that the competition is fairly balanced and fits in with our mission statement and the IB learner profile attributes.

Hanova's students are divided into 4 Houses

Han House (Red)

The Han Dynasty was the second imperial dynasty of China. Spanning over four centuries, the Han period is considered the first golden age in Chinese history. To this day, the Chinese script is also referred to as “Han characters”.

Qin House (Blue)

The Qin Dynasty, founded by Qin Shi Huang, was the first dynasty of Imperial China. It was the shortest major dynasty in Chinese history, consisting of only two emperors, but inaugurated an imperial system that lasted for 22 centuries.

Song House (Green)

The Song Dynasty, founded by Emperor Taizu, was an era of Chinese history from the late 10th to the 13th centuries. The population of China increased significantly under the Song government, which encouraged a vibrant economic and social life and was the first in the world history to issue bank-notes nationally.

Tang House (Yellow)

The Tang Dynasty, ruling during the 7th to the early 10th centuries, is generally regarded as a high point in Chinese civilization and a golden age of cosmopolitan culture, for the outstanding development of arts, culture and interactions with foreign nations.

Recent House Events and Activities

April 9, 2021

Written by Richard Gallerno On Friday, 9th April, MYP students participated in a House event that included a football tournament and some fun and challenging activities. Each House submitted a team for football and there were some good plays and great saves in each game. In the final match of the tournament, Song defeated Han […]

March 12, 2021

Bruce MacGregor, Year 5 Teacher Vying for top position in the House ranking, teams brought to bear skill and strategy in a brave attempt to dominate the football shooting competition on Friday, March 12. Players had three choices. An easy direct shot on an open goal for a sure easy point, a tricky shot through […]

November 20, 2020

In November 2020, Hanova’s Primary house competitions heated up with a “Tug-of-war” activity. All four of Hanova’s houses – Tang, Song, Qin and Han – participated against each other in an exciting and energetic battle for first place. Hanova’s houses promote healthy competition, but also a sense of well-being and teamwork inside and outside the […]