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The Principal's Newsletter

Hanova’s Secondary students developing global friendships

By Mr Martin Hughes

Dear Parents and

Links with other schools. It was a real pleasure to have 42 students from Bradford Grammar School, England to visit last Saturday evening.  I was so pleased to see that nearly all our secondary students were able to attend and to hear that the event was a great success.  There was a little reticence at first when they arrived, but soon there were matches going on at table tennis, basketball and even an England v Hanova football match.  The wonderful food generously put on by our parents, board and staff went down well.  By the end the students were exchanging emails and a Bradford student was even heard to ask if they could come to our school permanently!

We hope this will be the start of a long term relationship between Hanova and Bradford Grammar, similar to the friendship we are developing between ourselves and the Amerasia School in Qingdao.

Mr Jack Vegter, Principal from Xi’an International School, visited us on Tuesday.  Following on from that meeting we are in the process of arranging football and chess matches between the schools.

We think it is very important for our students, particularly the older ones, to look for friendships and links well beyond our school boundaries.  We want them to give them as many opportunities as possible to develop their skills and knowledge and turn them into truly internationally minded citizens.

Training Day for Middle and Senior Years students. We have planned a whole day for the Y7-13 students on Monday, 5th November in order to provide students with the skills needed to put together their own e-Portfolio and how to use Managebac more effectively.  This includes work on iBooks Author, iMovie and iPhoto. These skills will also be very useful for other curricular needs.  Furthermore, Middle Years students will be looking at the Personal Project in terms of what is required from them to produce their personal project and how they can achieve this to their highest ability.  During this time, Senior Years students will be looking into Creativity, Action, Service and how they can fulfil the needs of the programme, with an emphasis on Community and Service.

Movember. Many of our MY students and teachers were very keen to help at the Yellow River Soup Kitchen when they visited the other week.  One of the ways we could help would be to raise some money for them.

A number of the male staff have, under much duress from Mr Gallerno, agreed not to shave during the calendar month of November.  We are going to use this opportunity to see if the Student Council would like to come up with some ideas on fun ways to turn this into fund raising for the Yellow River Soup Kitchen.

I am writing to you mainly to explain why some of our staff will be looking a little on the scruffy side!

Duathlon. Please remember the Duathlon on November 9th.  This is a two part event involving a long distance running race, and a bicycling event.

We still need some more bikes for Y3 to Senior Years, so if you can lend us one for 9th November, or better still for the whole week, please let Ms O’Connor or the Office know.

Thank you to the parents that have already volunteered their help - some their bikes!  Parents are also welcome to come along and watch from 12:30pm.

Extra Curricular Activities (ECAs). The second round of ECAs starts next Tuesday.  I hope your child enjoyed their activities in the first round, and also gets a lot from this second round.  You should have received an emailed letter about this on Thursday (1st November).  I apologise that we seem to be burying you with letters, but there are so many things going on in the school about which to keep you informed.  Please return this letter as soon as possible so we can make the registers for each ECA.

Ballet. Our search for a ballet teacher, skilled in the specific drills required to teach ballet, has resulted in us finding a student of this discipline.  This tutor has taught ballet before.  Ballet classes will run on Wednesdays after school.  She is able to teach students from Y3-13.  As we have had to seek out a specialised teacher, unfortunately we have to go against our normal practice and charge for these lessons.  If your child is interested in this please let the Office know.  You should receive a separate ballet registration letter by Monday (5th).  Please contact us if you require further information.

Hallowe’en. Many of the primary students had a great time with their Hallowe’en costumes and parade – many of them looked truly frightening!  During the morning some classes had Hallowe’en themed games while others cooked some Hallowe’en biscuits and had a mini party.  Thank you for helping to get them dressed up for the fun.

Parents Consultations. By the time you read this Parents Consultations will be over until February.  We hope you found them worthwhile and if, by any chance, you were not able to attend please contact us to make an alternative appointment.  We believe that the education of our students is a 3 way partnership, needing care, expertise and commitment from all three of us – your child, the teachers, and you, the parents.  We thank you for the support you offer your child and the school.

Professional Development. Four members of the Board including myself, attended International Baccalaureate training in Shanghai last Friday and Saturday.  This was to help us review the way our governing board supports and develops the school as we work towards the implementation of all three International Baccalaureate programmes.  We were able to share experiences and ideas with schools that have been established much longer.  It was reassuring to confirm that we are on the right track.

Nursery, Reception Y1 Art Exhibition. There is a small, but lovely art exhibition in the Art room (room A211) on the second floor.  This is open to visitors at any time we are open.  Come along and have a look at our youngest students developing artwork, if you are in school.  The last day for the exhibition is November 2nd.

Uniform. Please remember that all students should wear the full uniform, or as near as possible, every day starting from Monday, 5th November.  The Senior Years as before should come in business dress. If you need any clarification or you have any problem please do not hesitate to contact May Liu.

Best regards,

Martin Hughes


Forthcoming events


Thursday, 1st and Friday, 2nd   Parent Consultations (no ECAs on Thursday)

Thursday, 1st to Sunday, 4th    Korean Boarders’ Parents Visit

Monday, 5th                                All students to wear uniform

Monday, 5th                                Middle and senior years IT training day (students attend as normal)

Friday, 9th                                    Duathlon 12:30pm start


About the Author

Martin Hughes

Former School Principal

Mr Martin Hughes was the founding Principal of Hanova from 2012-15. Prior to his time at Hanova, he already had 23 years of experience as Principal in the UK and China at five different schools - including posts at Wuxi EtonHouse and EtonHouse's flagship Suzhou school. During his time as founding Principal at Hanova, he helped support the initial IB Diploma Programme authorisation (2014) and used his educational vision to help plant our then brand new school on a firm foundation. Under his leadership, Hanova's motto emerged, "Enabling children to become independent, creative and lifelong learners!"

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