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The Principal's Newsletter

Hanova developing sporting and social links in Xi’an

By Mr Martin Hughes

Dear Parents and

Xianease article. One of our Y11 students has written an article which was published in the Xianese in this April edition.  It was about life in an international school, comparing it to other education systems and was written by May Lee.  She experienced the stresses of having to hit deadlines and receiving changing requests concerning the length of the article; a common experience for anyone writing for a printed publication as the editor juggles conflicting requests and adverts.  It was an invaluable piece of learning for the student involved, and very impressive considering her age and that English is not her first language.  Please do check the article out. It can be found at:

Sporting, social and other links. As our school matures we are keen to expand the number of sporting and social links with other schools.  These need to be developed alongside other links with the community.  We have had a football match with XIS at the end of March.  We were welcomed warmly by the students and staff at XIS and had a series of planned and impromptu matches, followed by refreshments.  A great time was had by all even though we didn’t win any of the matches.  We are currently planning to invite them back over to us for a Basketball match.

We are also keen to develop our links with the local and wider community in China.  We want our students to leave us with an enhanced sense of who they are and a respect and care for those around them.  As you may remember we have developed links with the Yellow River Soup Kitchen and supported them with a number of charity events.  Local groups have performed in the school and we have a number of Extra Curricular Activities (ECAs) using leaders from the local area, as well as parents, staff and older students.

Extra Curricular Activities (ECAs). The new round of ECAs started this week including in-line skating, wushu, basketball, football, outdoor activities, Chinese singing, and music class.

Auditions for talent. Talented students have started demonstrating their performance skills to staff in preparation for our talent show on Saturday 11th May as part of the Spring Carnival.  Auditions are being held this early so that there is sufficient time to polish skills.  If your child has a talent to show please let Mr Van know via the school office.  We already have 25 or so volunteer students – don’t miss out on this opportunity.

Exam week. This week has been a very busy one for our middle and senior students as they sit exams in the subjects they have been studying this year.  For many of our students, this type of formal examination is new to them. Students however have responded well, and this week serves as excellent preparation for those students who will eventually sit external examinations such as iGCSE, DP, AP'.  The exams will be completed on Friday and we hope to have the results to you by the end of the following week.

Sports day. I am sure you have next Friday, 19th April in your diary for Sports day.

The students have been working hard in Physical Education classes in preparation for this day, and would love to show you their learning.  This day is for the students to demonstrate the skills they have so please cheer them on while you are watching the events!  This will be an all day event with students participating in a number of events, over four sessions throughout the day.  Parent participation is needed at the end of the day for the matches, so be prepared to join a team to play against the older students! We look forward to seeing you to cheer on the students.

There will also be a barbecue in the latter part of the day and we are hoping to enlist parental help in this.

You should have received a letter with more details about this event.

Best regards,

Martin Hughes


Forthcoming events

Monday, 8th to Friday, 12th     Middle and Senior Years Exam week

Friday, 19th                                  Sports Day 9am-3:30pm

Friday, 19th                                  Exam results sent home

Tuesday, 23rd                              Parent School Association meeting at 2pm

Friday, 26th                                  School closes for May holiday


Monday, 6th                                School reopens


About the Author

Martin Hughes

Former School Principal

Mr Martin Hughes was the founding Principal of Hanova from 2012-15. Prior to his time at Hanova, he already had 23 years of experience as Principal in the UK and China at five different schools - including posts at Wuxi EtonHouse and EtonHouse's flagship Suzhou school. During his time as founding Principal at Hanova, he helped support the initial IB Diploma Programme authorisation (2014) and used his educational vision to help plant our then brand new school on a firm foundation. Under his leadership, Hanova's motto emerged, "Enabling children to become independent, creative and lifelong learners!"

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