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The Principal's Newsletter

Hanova students enjoy Movember Assembly

By Mr Martin Hughes

Dear Parents and

Movember assembly. Great fun was had by all at our assembly last Friday.  Students had voted for best and worst facial hair that staff had grown over the month of November.  The winners were Mr “Monster” Herben and Ms O’Connor and Ms Rice.  Mr “Babyface” Hughes failed to feature.  It was even more fun shaving a number of volunteers on stage.

Learner Profile Week. Many students joined in the fun of dressing each day to reflect the IB Learner Profile

Philippine Disaster Fund. The Student Council would like to thank the Hanova Community for being very generous in providing donations to assist disaster victims of Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines. So far, through projects such as Movember and Learner Profile Week, we have raised more than 5000 RMB. We will also have a donation box available after each of our Christmas Wizard of Oz performances next week. We plan to send our donation to UNICEF before the winter holidays. 

MYP Unit Letter. Starting from next semester, parents shall be receiving letters from relevant subject teachers at the beginning of each new unit.  This letter will outline what was covered in the previous unit, as well as informing parents what topics will be covered in the coming weeks.  Last year, parents received the MYP/SY monthly newsletter, which contained the same information, but in one large document.  The new format will be delivered in a manner that will make it easier to read by breaking it down into smaller chunks.  We hope that this is the sort of information you find useful – please let us know!  Our aim is always to make our communication with parents to be as clear and helpful as possible.  We are always seeking to improve.

Christmas Wizard of Oz. The practices for a Christmas Wizard of Oz are hotting up as the performance dates approach.  There is still much to do to be prepared for the opening performance next Wednesday.  You may have noticed that practices have so far taken place so that they do not alter the normal schedule.  On Thursday morning we will be starting with morning run throughs of the performance.  These will take place during lessons 1 and 2.  This means that on Friday there will not be a whole school assembly.  All the children will not be at these practices with students coming in and out when their part is involved. If your child has a significant role in the play then their normal curriculum will be a little different over the next few days.  We think the learning that is happening by taking part more than compensates for the slight disruption of their usual schedule.

Wizard of Oz arrangements. You should have received letters so you can order tickets for performances.  Although they are free you must have a ticket to attend any performance.  This is so we can plan safely for each performance.

You should also have received letters about the eating arrangements and the bus arrangements in particular for the Wednesday and Friday performances.  If you are unclear about these please do not hesitate to contact May Liu (email in the school office.

Extra Curricular Activities (ECAs). The last ECAs in Block 2 are on this Thursday, 5th December. Next week the buses will be leaving school at 3:45pm on Monday and Tuesday, at 7:15pm on Wednesday, and at 4:45pm on Thursday and 7:15pm on Friday – a tiring, but hopefully enjoyable week.

There will be a number of new students enrolling at Hanova straight after Christmas.  There will be some new teachers then also.  Consequently there will be a lot of work to do to induct all the new members of the Hanova community into the school.  This is the reason that ECAs will not resume until after the Chinese New Year break. 

We have been searching for tutors to come in to offer both Chinese and English lessons to parents.  This has taken some time.  These will be paid for courses.  We intend to put them on during Tuesday and Thursday ECAs. Any parents who are interested in these language lessons should contact May Liu.  More information to follow such as length of course, level and cost.

Playgroup. The changes in the ECAs mean that the next Tuesday playgroup will be after Chinese New Year

Best regards,

Martin Hughes


Forthcoming events

2nd – 6th                                        Learner Profile dressing up week 25rmb

Thursday, 5th                               Last ECA in Block 2

Friday, 6th                                    No Assembly

Friday, 6th                                    Admission Panel considers student applications for January

Wednesday, 11th                        Christmas Wizard of Oz 5pm

Thursday, 12th                            Christmas Wizard of Oz 2pm

Friday, 13th                                  Christmas Wizard of Oz 5pm

Saturday, 14th                             Xi’an International Business Forum Christmas Party

Monday, 16th                              School closed for Teacher Training

Tuesday, 17th                              Y9 English trip

Wednesday, 18th                        2nd Semester Tuition fees due by this date

Thursday, 19th                            PYP Christmas Party 12:40-14:00

Thursday, 19th                             School closes for mid-winter break

About the Author

Martin Hughes

Former School Principal

Mr Martin Hughes was the founding Principal of Hanova from 2012-15. Prior to his time at Hanova, he already had 23 years of experience as Principal in the UK and China at five different schools - including posts at Wuxi EtonHouse and EtonHouse's flagship Suzhou school. During his time as founding Principal at Hanova, he helped support the initial IB Diploma Programme authorisation (2014) and used his educational vision to help plant our then brand new school on a firm foundation. Under his leadership, Hanova's motto emerged, "Enabling children to become independent, creative and lifelong learners!"

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