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The Principal's Newsletter

Primary football team scores the win

By Francesco Masetti-Placci

Dear Parents and friends,

Hereafter the news and notices about last week’s activities.

Global photo contest. One of our teachers, Mr. Kennedy Bwanga, participated in a global photo contest, showcasing what teaching abroad really looks like. His photo, about his Design Class at Hanova, took second position overall.

Primary Football. On Friday, our Primary Football Team played here on campus against XIS and started very strong the 2017 year, winning by 4-0. It was the first time our Hanova Football played a friendly game with XIS in this age group.

The game was really dynamic: both teams were a little shy at the beginning but then Hanova started pressuring XIS’ defenders. Levi recovered a ball and scored the first goal and later he also scored the second one. Josh scored the third goal after a lovely pass and Steve scored the most beautiful goal of the afternoon, a long shot almost from middle of the field.

This Team lost some good players from last Semester, but we welcome the new ones – all from Y5: Kevin, Daniel Kim, Kelvin, Daniel Lee, Victor, Jack, Hugh, Tony and Steven.

The next game is scheduled for March 7th at 2pm on our campus, still against XIS. Parents are welcome to support our students.

Many thanks to Mr. Lynn and Mr. Chao for helping set up the game and organizing all the logistics. For more information, please contact Mr. Brown ( ), our Primary Football Team Coach.

Next game: March 7th

Time: 2pm.

Location: Hanova International School.

Hanova vs XIS

University Visits. We continue to have representatives and admission officers from universities visiting Hanova. This week we hosted the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

In parallel, our Year 13 students have received more offers from leading universities around the world, to continue their studies after the Diploma Programme graduation.

We always welcome parents to our university meetings and if you have any question, please contact our University Counselor Ms. Zhu ( ).

Parent Information Sessions. This week we will have two the Parent Information Sessions on Wednesday at 3.45pm, one in the Meeting Room on the 2nd floor on Diploma Programme Options, and one in the Staff Room on Literacy in Primary School. I would like to thank the parents who are coming to these sessions.

Notice to Parents – Buses. We remind parents that students must get to the bus rooms straight after school, if they take the school bus, as waiting for students delays everyone’s departure. And if they are usually on the bus, but are not taking it on a particular day, parents must inform the bus monitor in adance.

Notice to Parents – Permission to Leave. We remind parents that if a student wishes to leave school for any reason during the school day, s/he must speak to her/his homeroom teacher and inform why s/he wishes to leave school and if the homeroom teacher is not available then s/he may speak to the Pastoral Coordinator or any member of the Leadership Team in Primary or in Secondary School (depending where the student belongs). The contacted teacher will sign a form, available here in school, which the student needs to show to the IB Administrator (to record the partial absence) and then to the person on duty in the main office downstairs and we require written permission directly from the parent/guardian before allowing any student to leave school.

Many thanks for your collaboration to ensure our students’ safety inside and outside our campus.

Secondary Inter-house Football Competition. The Secondary school will be having their Inter-house Football competition from 1.40 until 3.30 this Wednesday. This was rearranged from before Christmas due to the air pollution. Students should come to school in House colours and those participating in school PE shorts.


Thanks again for your continuing support.


Francesco Masetti-Placci


Upcoming Events

Monday 6th March                University visit: Muhlenberg College

Tuesday 7th March               Primary Football: Hanova vs XIS

Wednesday 8th March          Information Sessions: Literacy in Primary School (Staff Room)
& Diploma Programme Options (Meeting Room)

Friday 10th March                 Primary Book Characters Assembly

Wednesday 15th March        Information Session: English as an Additional Language

Tuesday 21st March              University visit: CIS University Tour (27 universities)

Wednesday 22nd March        Information Session: The Middle Years Programme

Monday 27th March               University visit: Merrimack College

Wednesday 29th March        Information Session: The Theory of Knowledge

Friday 31st March                  Last day of school before Spring Break

About the Author

Francesco Masetti-Placci

Former School Principal

Dr. Masetti-Placci was a former school Principal of Xi'an Hanova International School from 2015-2018. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of Bologna and a Master in Information Technology from Polytechnic of Milan, with studies also in France (University of Rennes) and the USA (Washington University). Before joining Hanova, he previously has taught in secondary schools and universities in Italy, France, USA and China.

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