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The Principal's Newsletter

2017 Diploma Student Graduation

By Francesco Masetti-Placci

Dear Parents and friends,

2017 Diploma Graduation. Congratulation to our Graduating Class of 2017! This Friday 26th May, all our Year 13 students have completed their Secondary studies and celebrated their Graduation. We are all grateful to students, teachers, staff and parents for the support given throughout these last two years.

Secondary News. The Years 7 – 12 students have completed their assessment week, well done to all. They will now prepare this year’s final travels, almost all going on the Education Outside of the Classroom (EOTC) trip, with some going to a Model United Nations conference and some to the International Award expedition.

Primary Student Led Conference. Primary hosted their annual Student Led Conferences on Monday 22nd May. It was a very successful day with good support from parents and students.

Throughout the day, the students led their parents around the various single subject lessons and the work stations in their classroom. The single subject teachers created special lessons to show parents how they can support the Units of Inquiry. The homeroom teachers created a series of activities that enabled the students to demonstrate their skills and knowledge across a wide range of topics.

Thank you to all of the parents who participated and supported the day: it was great to see so many attend this important event.

Primary Drama Production. On May 19th, Hanova’s PYP Drama Club performed “Charlotte Holmes: Future Detective” for students and parents. Students worked very hard during ECA times all semester to learn their lines, cues, transitions and positioning. They also learnt about projection and how to use their bodies on stage, developing new skills.

We are very proud of their effort and enthusiasm! On the performance day, students were nervous, but they did an amazing job and tried their hardest, showing excellent acting skills. Well done, Drama Club! And thank you to Ms. Courtney, Mrs. Nicola and Ms. Jillian.

Primary News. This week (Thursday 25th and Friday 26th), students in Years 4 and 5 will be having their Education Outside of the Classroom (EOTC) camp. Students in Year 6 will have it next week.

A reminder about our Year 6 Exhibition: the students will be presenting their work to the Hanova School Community on Thursday 1st and Friday 2nd June. Please join them to celebrate their learning achievements.

PYP students will also display some of their work in the PYP Art Exhibition from June 5th to June 10th.

International Award Adventurous Journey Practice. Hanova is a licensed center for the prestigious International Award. Our first group of Award participants, pursuing the Silver Award – Jimmy Li, Kevin Qu, Lucy Li, and Rose Jiang all from Year 12 – conducted their first Practice Adventurous Journey last Friday and Saturday (19th – 20th May). This practice journey was supported by the Xi’an Outdoor Sport Association, who sent two professional outdoor leaders – one of them being also the leader of the rescue team in Xi’an. They provided us a comprehensive safety plan for this journey, in order to ensure the safety of our students.

In addition to the intensive hiking activity, training sessions on building tents, setting up fires, knowing the map and direction outdoors, making the ‘water purifier’ were provided by the leaders.

Within the two days’ journey, our students showed their commitment to the adventurous journey, a key experience to complete the award. And their behavior showed that they are excellent IB students, fitting into all the IB learner profiles.

For more information, contact our International Award Leader Ms. Hou (

Thanks again for your continuing support.


Francesco Masetti-Placci


Upcoming Events

Thursday-Friday 1st-2nd June            PYP Exhibition

Monday-Saturday 5th-10th June        PYP Art Exhibition

Saturday 10th June                            School Carnival

Thursday 15th June                            Last Day of School

About the Author

Francesco Masetti-Placci

Former School Principal

Dr. Masetti-Placci was a former school Principal of Xi'an Hanova International School from 2015-2018. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of Bologna and a Master in Information Technology from Polytechnic of Milan, with studies also in France (University of Rennes) and the USA (Washington University). Before joining Hanova, he previously has taught in secondary schools and universities in Italy, France, USA and China.

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