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The Principal's Newsletter

Annual Book Fair at Hanova

By Francesco Masetti-Placci

Dear Parents and friends,

Book Fair. Beijing Star Kids Children’s Bookstore is running the annual Book Fair on Thursday, 11th and Friday, 12th May from 9:00am to 4:00pm in our Hanova library, with all the books offered on display. Students had scheduled times to visit the Book Fair, and we welcomed the many parents who visited us. For anything not completed, please send any money in a sealed envelope with your child’s name, the amount of money and the book title (if known).  We also acknowledge all the books donated, many thanks for your support.

Secondary Exams. Our Secondary school continues to thrive as a hive of activity and purposeful learning. The exam season is well under way and going extremely well. Our students are prepared and focused and conducting themselves in a commendable manner as they head into the final IB exams. Our Year 13 Diploma students really are a credit to us and I wish them every success in their endeavour. We look forward to celebrating their hard earned rewards on results day on the 5th  July, hopefully.

The Years 7 – 12 students will have an assessment week from Monday 22nd May, which will mark the culmination of their learning for this year.

Secondary EOTC. As an IB school we encourage reflection and review and stress the importance of the learning experience for our students, which incorporates both academic and pastoral elements. To this end this year’s Education Outside of the Classroom (EOTC) trip will take place in the week beginning Monday 5th June for all our students in Years 7 – 12. There will be a focus on team building and experiential learning in Shaolin and Luoyang, where we will make dumplings, trek, do some Chinese painting, take Kung Fu lessons from the Monks, visit temples and grottoes and engage in other amazing activities.

While detailed information and briefings are being prepared, we encourage you to complete the consent form and sign off the letter and email you received from our MYP Coordinator Mrs. Trull ( ) to confirm your child’s participation in the EOTC.

Reminder: PYP SLC Day – 22nd May. Our Student Led Conferences Day will be on Monday 22nd May. No regular lessons will be held for Primary students on this day. However, attendance for the conference with your child is compulsory. You are welcome to stay for a tour of the school or to watch some demonstration lessons (Art, Music, Physical Education, Chinese) and then you are asked to take your child home.

If you have not already done so, please return the reply slip given or email your child’s teacher with your preferred times for the conference. Parents are responsible for the supervision of their child whilst they are at school. Buses will be for Secondary students only. There will be no lunch provided for PYP students. Please see your classroom teacher or contact the Marketing Dept for more information.

Primary News. PYP students are busy creating wonderful artwork that will be part of the PYP Art Exhibition, which will be on display at the beginning of June until Carnival day. More details soon from our Primary Art teacher Mr. Trull ( ).

PYP Year 6 students are busy planning their projects that will be part of the PYP Year 6 Exhibition, which will be on display at the beginning of June. More details soon from our Year 6 teacher Mr. Manning ( ).

House News. We have two exciting House competitions to conclude this school year.

Starting on May 12th all students can bring in Chinese coins to school. Each House will collect them until the last week of school. During the last week of school the students, working by House, will make a design with the coins they have collected. The more coins they have the better the design. All designs will be judged by a teachers’ committee and the winning Houses will receive points, while the coins will be donated to charity.

On May 24th we also have the final House soccer tournament. On that day students may wear their House colors and cheer for their teams.

School Carnival. The Hanova Carnival, planned for 10th June, is under preparation. It will be a fun day full of games & activities and crafts, with lots of prizes to be won. A large lunch, sponsored by two major hotels and also supported by our parents will be available during the day, and a talent Show will close the day in the afternoon. All proceeds from this event will be donated to charity, this time to the Yellow River Soup Kitchen. More news will come during next weeks.

Hanova Parent Teacher Association. A reminder that the HPTA Constitution is available on demand from the School Office, and we welcome your support: please ask additional information from Mrs. Bi ( ).

A Coffee Morning for parents will be organized on 19th May, to answer questions about the HPTA mission, philosophy, procedures and responsibilities and all the new opportunities available to get involved in Hanova!

ECAs and Academies. A reminder that our extra-curricular activities (ECA) program for this year will finish on Wednesday, May 17th. This will be the last day when school buses will leave at 4:30pm. After this date, school buses will leave Hanova at the normal time of 3:30pm for the rest of the school year.

H7N9 Virus. The Xi’an Government has asked all schools to take preventive actions to ensure effective protection of this severe H7N9 virus. Therefore, we suggest that you avoid contacts with any bird and poultry market, that you avoid eating raw meat and that you increase hygiene. Be informed that we had cleaning and sterilization activity last week. Our school Nurse will also ensure follow-up of any health-related absence where needed.

Important Academic Dates. We are approaching the end of the school year. Please book your calendars to participate to these key academic events during the next months.

  • From Monday 1st to Friday 19th May, our Year 13 students will sit for the Diploma Programme examinations.
  • From Monday 22nd to Friday 26th May, our Secondary students will have some End of Year exams and assessments.
  • On Monday 22nd May, our Primary students will lead the PYP Student Led Conferences.
  • On Friday 26th May the Secondary Graduation Assembly will take place, an important event for our Year 13 students who will then leave Hanova.
  • On Friday 26th May evening we will have the Graduation Dinner for our Y13 students to celebrate their achievements in a family setting.
  • On Thursday and Friday 1st – 2nd June, our Year 6 students will present the PYP Exhibition, which is the culminating experience of the IB PYP.



Francesco Masetti-Placci


Upcoming Events

Friday 19th May                HPTA Launch Coffee Morning

Monday 22nd May            Primary Student Led Conferences

Friday 26th May                Secondary Graduation Assembly

Friday 26th May                Secondary Graduation Dinner

Thursday-Friday 1st-2nd  June PYP Exhibition

Saturday 10th June          School Carnival

About the Author

Francesco Masetti-Placci

Former School Principal

Dr. Masetti-Placci was a former school Principal of Xi'an Hanova International School from 2015-2018. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of Bologna and a Master in Information Technology from Polytechnic of Milan, with studies also in France (University of Rennes) and the USA (Washington University). Before joining Hanova, he previously has taught in secondary schools and universities in Italy, France, USA and China.

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