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The Principal's Newsletter

Hanova Academies 2017-2018

By Francesco Masetti-Placci

Dear Parents and friends,

As has been indicated in previous weeks, we are setting up and launching all the extra curricular and complementary activities and programs that will complement the students’ learning beyond the classroom. This news will allow you to plan and update all the academic and social activities throughout this year.

IB Diploma Report Dates – 2017/18. This year, some changes will be made to the IB Diploma reporting procedure and sequence that better concur with our current IB DP Assessment and Reporting Policy.

Over the two year IB Diploma Programme, there will be six reports generated – three in Year 12 (IB 1) and three in Year 13 (IB 2). The Diploma students are continually assessed throughout their programs and having six reporting sessions, will better reflect what they have been assessed on at different stages of their program. For example, in Year 13, there will be a report that reflects all their completed Internal Assessment, Extended Essay, TOK Essay, … in January 2018 and another report in March 2018 to reflect upon how they performed in their ‘Mock’ Diploma examinations.

Here are the provisional dates for the IB Diploma reports in 2017-18:

Reports IB 1 (Year 12):

  • IB DP Report 1/1 – Tuesday, 31st October
  • IB DP Report 1/2 – Monday, 12th March
  • IB DP Report 1/3 – Thursday, 14th June

Reports IB 2 (Year 13):

  • IB DP Report 2/3 – Tuesday, 31st October
  • IB DP Report 2/4 – Monday, 22nd January
  • IB DP Report 2/5 – Wednesday, 28th March

 MYP News. As the students may feel the pressure of the first assessments, please keep abreast of the deadlines faced by your child by monitoring these on Managebac. If you see that your child is finding difficult any aspect of school life (social or academic aspects included), please contact their homeroom teacher.

Our first Information Session was held on Wednesday afternoon for the parents of Year 11 students, and other interested parties. We thank all those parents who made the effort to attend: when school and parents work together to support our students, the quality of their projects becomes fantastic.

The next Information Session is scheduled for 18th October, just before the Parent-Teacher-Student Conference. We welcome your participation to find out more about the MYP and for any questions, please contact directly our MYP Coordinator Mrs. Trull ( ).

PYP Units of Inquiry. Nursery/Reception students are looking at ways to be healthy. They are keeping healthy by washing their hands regularly and did an experiment to watch how soap works on dirt (or pepper!).

Year 2 students are planning and reflecting on journeys in their “Where we are in place and time” unit and created timelines.

Year 4 students enjoyed getting to know each other by sharing “All about me” bags to represent themselves.

Secondary House Leaders. Secondary houses have been rearranged to ensure balanced participation and contributions to these important activities of our school students. On Friday 8th September, all the Secondary students participated in an Assembly and then met to select their house captains for this academic year. Here are the results:

  • Qin House: Suyeon Song and Isaac Rice
  • Han House: Samantha Sanita-Boezio and Micah Rice
  • Tang House: Jennifer Kwon and Alessandro Sanita-Boezio
  • Song House: Lisa Kwon and Dido Wang

Congratulations to all the new Secondary House leaders and we are looking forward to exciting and fun filled House events along this year.

Hanova Academies. Hanova places significant emphasis on learning beyond the classroom, to challenge our students and help them develop skills to become balanced individuals and leaders.

We are now ready to launch the Hanova Academies starting from October 2017; Hanova Sports Academy, Hanova Music Academy, Hanova Art Academy. Open to all our students and supervised by our qualified teaching staff, these academies will run on Tuesdays and / or Thursdays after school, from 4:00pm until 4:50pm.

An email has been sent to all our families and confirmation of classes and times will be given once the registration process is complete: please fill your data in the link provided or register directly with our Marketing and Liaison Team.

ECAs. A reminder that ECA Forms have been sent home and must be returned with the preference for the chosen activities. This form will be sent home soon to all students and parents. For details on the ECA programs please contact Ms. Petra ( ) in Primary or Mr. Gallerno ( in Secondary.

 University Visit. A reminder of the confirmed upcoming university visits:

  • 19th September (13:00) Wooster College (USA)
  • 10th October (13:00) School of the Art Institute of Chicago-SAIC (USA)
  • 11th October (13:00) University of Pittsburgh (USA)
  • 17th October (13:00) Baylor University (USA)
  • 18th October (14:00) University Fair (More than 20 universities)

In November (dates still to be confirmed) we will host University of Central Missouri, Gonzaga University, Monmouth College (all from USA) and University of Calgary (Canada).

We will then have many more visits, which will be confirmed in the future newsletters. Please contact our University Counselor Ms. Zhu ( ) for any inquiries.

Friday Schedule. A reminder that from this week, Friday’s school day schedule will be adjusted, so that students can arrive home early. The lunch break will be shorter, to anticipate the afternoon finish time to 3:30pm. Please ensure appropriate pick-up of your child in school at 3:30pm or earlier at the bus stops.

Thanks again for your continuing support.


Francesco Masetti-Placci


Upcoming Events

Please take note of these dates, while we will soon inform about any additional events and activities that will take place in the following weeks:

Tuesday 19th September                     Wooster College (USA) – 1:00pm

Wednesday 20th September                Mathematics in the PYP – 3:00pm

Friday, 29th September                        Last day of school before National Week Holiday

Monday, 9th October                            School reopens after National Week Holiday

Tuesday, 10th October                         School of the Art Institute of Chicago – SAIC (USA) – 1:00pm

Wednesday 11th October                     University of Pittsburgh (USA) – 1:00pm

Wednesday 11th October                     Assessment in the PYP – 3:00pm

Friday 13th October                             MYP First Semester Interim Report (Managebac)

Friday 13th – Sunday 15th October     DP students CAS excursion

Tuesday 17th October                         Baylor University (USA) – 1:00pm

Wednesday 18th October                    University Fair (over 20 universities) – 2:00pm

Wednesday 18th October                    MYP Parent-Teacher-Student Conference

Wednesday 18th October                    Learning and Wellbeing Programme – 3:00pm

Wednesday 25th October                    PYP English Acquisition Programme – 3:00pm

Tuesday, 31st October                         IB Diploma Reports for Years 12 and 13

Friday, 17th November                        Staff Professional Development – No school for students

About the Author

Francesco Masetti-Placci

Former School Principal

Dr. Masetti-Placci was a former school Principal of Xi'an Hanova International School from 2015-2018. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of Bologna and a Master in Information Technology from Polytechnic of Milan, with studies also in France (University of Rennes) and the USA (Washington University). Before joining Hanova, he previously has taught in secondary schools and universities in Italy, France, USA and China.

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