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The Principal's Newsletter

Hanova MYP Parent-Teacher-Student Conference

By Francesco Masetti-Placci

Dear Parents and friends,

We are starting hosting may events on campus, this week we already had few, with many more to come in the near future. In parallel the academic activity is progressing well in the classroom and beyond the classroom. Hereafter a few highlights of this week.

 DP news. Last weekend the Year 12 and 13 students went to the Huashan Mountains for their three-day DP CAS excursion. Congratulations to our students and to their mentors who have shared with them all the activities and challenges.

MYP News. “People may hear your words, but they feel your attitude.” (John C. Maxwell).

Over the last few weeks the house leaders have considered what different influential thinkers have to say about leadership. This week we discussed how attitude influences everything, including how one will fare as a leader.

All houses will be making crafty products which will be for sale at the Christmas Market. Each house will discuss what they will make during their house meeting next week. We urge parents to encourage the students to get busy! House points will be based on the participation of all house members.

Finally, this week our Year 11 students have been registered with the IB for their Personal Project. I believe that they are all working well on creating their products now. Thank you to our supervisors who are dedicating extra time and effort to ensure the success of our students.

MYP Parent-Teacher-Student Conference and MYP interim reports. MYP interim reports were made available this week on Managebac. If you still find it difficult to access Managebac, please contact our IB MYP and DP Administrator, Ms. Li ( ).

It was great to see so many parents at our first Student-Parent-Teacher Conference of the year this week, many thanks to all those who made the effort to attend. We believe that when parents, teachers and students work together, our students will achieve their personal best.

University news. Universities continue to visit Hanova, as proof of their interest into our school. This week we hosted a fair featuring 14 universities, with many students and parents present at the event. We thank all parents and guests who took their time to attend. For more information on upcoming visits, please contact our University and Careers Counselor Ms. Zhu ( ).

PYP News. Thank you for your fantastic response to our Book Sharing Week in the PYP! It was wonderful to see the classroom libraries growing. We will then continue next week, to give parents an opportunity to share additional books. We are hoping to increase our classroom library books, including books in the Mother tongue languages of our classes. Many children have books that they have read many times, and these books could be shared with other children. If your children have some books to donate to their classroom either in English or Mother tongue please bring them to school next week. Your child’s teacher will create a classroom library

Next Friday 27th October will be Halloween Day. If you would like to watch the Halloween Parade when PYP classes will walk around the school in costume, it will start at 9.20am and finish around 9.45am. Your child’s teacher will send home a note about dressing up in costume (no guns or weapons please) and any special class activities planned on that day. Concerning food, please take a look at our food and beverage policy: we are a nut free school and as part of our healthy eating policy we do not encourage candy or chocolate.

International Day. A reminder that International Day is coming up, on Friday, November 3rd. We will start at 9:15am with a parade of nations and then begin an international journey through 7 different countries from 10:00am until 1:00pm. Our international food buffet will be served from 1:00pm until 2:00pm. After lunch, Primary students will have normal classes while Secondary students participate in a programme of international sports and assembly. Parents, are welcome to participate in the activities. Please, send your children to school dressed in their national clothing or in clothes that match the colours of their country’s flag on International Day.

Secondary Basketball Match. Our Secondary basketball squad will play against XHIS, away from Hanova at the Provincial Training Base of Shaanxi (Olympic Area, No. 303 Zhang Ba Dong Lu Rd, Yanta District, Xi’an). The game will start at 4pm and should last up to 5pm on October 27th (Friday afternoon). It will be a good opportunity to get our players to be tested in this friendly challenge match. Mr. Chris Chao and Mr. Ryan Morgan are coaching our Heroes to compete in the game. Parents and staff are welcome to watch and cheer our team. We are sure they will play well and we wish our players to experience more than they expect.

Thanks again for your continuing support.


Francesco Masetti-Placci


Upcoming Events

Please take note of these dates, while we will soon inform about any additional events and activities that will take place in the following weeks:

Friday 27th October           Secondary Basketball Match – Provincial Training Base Shaanxi

Friday 3rd November         International Day

Friday, 17th November      Staff Professional Development – No school for students

Saturday, 9nd December   Christmas Market

Friday, 15th December       Last day of first semester

About the Author

Francesco Masetti-Placci

Former School Principal

Dr. Masetti-Placci was a former school Principal of Xi'an Hanova International School from 2015-2018. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of Bologna and a Master in Information Technology from Polytechnic of Milan, with studies also in France (University of Rennes) and the USA (Washington University). Before joining Hanova, he previously has taught in secondary schools and universities in Italy, France, USA and China.

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