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The Principal's Newsletter

Secondary School Awards Assembly

By Francesco Masetti-Placci

Dear Parents and friends,

Hereafter the news related to this last week of school in 2017. From next week we will all break for the Winter Holidays. Winter celebrations date back to ancient times, already taking place both in the old Roman and Chinese Empires. In today’s modern world we now celebrate the Christian tradition of Christmas and the arrival of 2018. In China this Festive Season will continue until the celebrations for Chinese New Year and the Spring Festival.

We are grateful to all teachers, students, parents and members of staff who have worked hard during this successful First Semester to make possible the progress of our school and most important the progress of our students.

Hanova Christmas Market. We’d like to sincerely thank everyone who contributed to making this year’s Christmas Market our most successful to date. Over 400 people – guests, parents, students and staff – were present on our campus for this winter community event.

A full program of activities for the students ensured that all families had fun, especially the young children. Several vendors presented their products, mostly in line with the holiday spirit and we’d especially like to express our appreciation to Marriott, Shangri-La and Gran Meliá for donating our wonderful buffet lunch.

Together, we raised from craft activities, vendors, lucky draw and lunch tickets over 15,000.00 RMB that will be donated to Nurture Project International – an organization dedicated to improving the lives of refugee mothers and children around the world – and to other charities. This further highlights the social responsibility, international mindedness and principled action characteristics of our education. A Christmas Market photo gallery will be added to our school web site and a slideshow will be posted on our WeChat group soon!

We are proud of this successful moment and we thank again all teachers, students, staff, parents and every sponsor. Special thanks to Ms. Ronna, Mr. Richard and the Hanova PTA parents who have planned, organized and assisted with all activities and fundraising.

Secondary School Awards Assembly. Secondary School celebrated the end of the First Semester with an Awards Assembly on Friday, 15th December. Selected students in MYP and DP have received certificates of academic achievement for their subjects of excellence.

We thank all Secondary parents who have attended this celebration event together with our students and Staff.

University Visits. This week we hosted a successful visit of representatives from University of Notre Dame, a prestigious Catholic research university founded in the mid nineteenth Century and now ranked within America’s top 20 universities.

Primary News. A special highlight for the Christmas-related activities carried out in Year 2. For the festive season, students have made the most of the central idea of their inquiry “Our imagination helps us to think and create”. They have baked and decorated Gingerbread Christmas biscuits and performed the Christmas carol “Silent Night” at the Shangri La hotel on 1st December. Year 2 parents were also involved, sharing their creative skills by singing Korean songs, decorating Christmas trees and leading workshops about traditional Chinese ink painting and dances.

Movember. We announced previously that several Hanova teachers have participated in our annual Movember charity fundraising activity. Students have voted, at the cost of 1 RMB per vote, and the Movember ballots have all been counted! Congratulations to our winners for 2017: Ms. Ronna Fraser (Best Woman of Movember) and Mr. Gary Wood (Best Man of Movember). A grand total of 742 RMB was raised, which has been added to the Christmas Market proceedings and will be donated to charity.

Uniforms. We remind parents of the importance of our school uniform and ask that you help us to maintain high standards. Please and make sure that your children are dressed appropriately when coming to school for the cold days in January and February, but always in conjunction with our uniform. For any uniform needs, please contact Ms. Yang at our Marketing Team ( ).

Back to School in 2018. School will reopen on Monday 8th January 2018, to start the Second Semester of the academic year.

Thanks again for your continuing support and our Best Wishes for the holidays.


Francesco Masetti-Placci


Upcoming Events

Please take note of the following dates for the Winter Holiday Break:

Friday, 15th December Last day of First Semester (Half Day) – School closes

Monday, 8th January 2018 First day of Second Semester – School reopens

About the Author

Francesco Masetti-Placci

Former School Principal

Dr. Masetti-Placci was a former school Principal of Xi'an Hanova International School from 2015-2018. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of Bologna and a Master in Information Technology from Polytechnic of Milan, with studies also in France (University of Rennes) and the USA (Washington University). Before joining Hanova, he previously has taught in secondary schools and universities in Italy, France, USA and China.

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