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The Principal's Newsletter

Chan-Ba Authorities Visit

By Francesco Masetti-Placci

Dear Parents and friends,

We just completed a busy week, with lots of activities and new throughout the school. Hereafter a short summary to keep you informed.

Chan-Ba Authorities Visit. Representatives of the Government and Management Committee of the Chan-Ba District have visited our school this week, on Thursday 8th. Hanova’s new campus will be located in the new Chan-Ba Ecological and International District of Xi’an.

The Authorities were impressed of the progress and results we have achieved in just few years, thanks to the commitment and contribution of all in our community – teachers, staff, students and parents. Hanova is very grateful to the support received so far by the Authorities, and we know this support will even increase in the near future, to accelerate the design and development plans of our new campus.

Primary News. Our new Nursery students have settled in very well and have been enjoying their new activities focussed around the Unit of Inquiry: Living Things.

Year 6 students just finished their Unit on Energy, with the task of building a simple machine that uses an energy source. It was great to see such creativity thinking and application of learning and if you come to school, you are welcome to visit the second floor where these machines are currently on display.

Since this week, Year 5 and Year 6 students are taking part in the East Asia Math Challenge 2018 organized by Mangahigh, where students compete with other international school in the Asian region. In the past Hanova students have won several medals.

Our students are busy working hard to earn points by completing maths activities successfully and it has created a great buzz in Upper Primary, with lots of interesting maths conversations happening. So far Year 5A has achieved 607 points and Year 6A 419 points. The students with the highest medal count are currently Larry, Tabea, TzeYo, Ellie and Mina, but the competition will continue till 18th March and we are sure that our Upper Primary students will achieve great results this year too.

 Primary Read-a-thon. Our Primary students are enjoying this week’s Readathon, showing that learning can be fun and engaging. They had different Dress Up days wearing: crazy hats, the colour green, wacky outfits, crazy socks and even their PJ’s!. There has been a great response to the encouragement to read, read, read too: please support your child(ren) as they read and discover in school and at home.

Secondary News. The Year 11 students this week are having fun in Qingdao, sharing their learning experiences, visiting the city, meeting other MYP students and preparing the joint Personal Project Exhibition at the Qingdao Amerasia International School. More information of this exciting adventure during next week, with direct comments from our teachers and students.

University News. This week, our Year 13 students were busy sitting the DP Mock examinations, in preparation of the real ones that will take place during May. In the mean time, they continue to receive offers from universities around the world, thanks to the outstanding support from our University and Careers Counselor, Mrs. Zhu ( ). Hereafter the list of offers so far extended to our graduating students of this year:

Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology – USA (2 offers)

Purdue University – USA

University of California, Santa Cruz – USA

University of California, Merced – USA (2 offers)

University of California, Riverside – USA (2 offers)

Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) – USA

University of Massachusetts Amherst – USA

University College London (UCL) – UK

Durham University (2 offers) – UK

University of Edinburgh (2 offers) – UK

King’s College London (2 offers) – UK

Loughborough University – UK

University of Manchester – UK

Upper Primary Football Tournament. This Saturday 10th March, our Upper Primary football team will participate in a flash tournament organized by XHIS, competing against three other schools in Xi’an. The tournament will take place at Yishu Street East Section No. 1, in the Hi-Tech Development Zone. A detailed program of the event has been sent home early this week to all the students involved.

Please come and cheer our students. For additional information, please contact our PYP Football Coach, Mr. Brown ( ).

MYP Orchestra. A new music initiative in Secondary: there is now a MYP Orchestra / Band, led by two Year 10 students, Sophia and Jennifer, and supervised by Ms. Krystal. Posters are on display in our school to recruit new members between Secondary students and more information will be given during next weeks.

Thanks again for your continuing support.


Francesco Masetti-Placci


Upcoming Events

Please note these upcoming dates for events and activities that will take place in the following weeks:

Monday 5th to Tuesday 13th March           Year 13 IB Diploma “Mock” Examinations

Saturday 10th March                                 Upper Primary Football Tournament

Friday 30th March                                      Primary Read-a-thon ends

Friday 30th March                                      Qingming Festival / Spring Break – School closes

Monday 9th April                                        School reopens

About the Author

Francesco Masetti-Placci

Former School Principal

Dr. Masetti-Placci was a former school Principal of Xi'an Hanova International School from 2015-2018. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of Bologna and a Master in Information Technology from Polytechnic of Milan, with studies also in France (University of Rennes) and the USA (Washington University). Before joining Hanova, he previously has taught in secondary schools and universities in Italy, France, USA and China.

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