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The Principal's Newsletter

MYP Personal Project Exhibition 2018

By Francesco Masetti-Placci

Dear Parents and friends,

This was a short week, after the Labor Day holiday. A few updates about the events completed this week and last week, with some anticipations for next week. We are in fact starting the last activities to complete this academic year.

Primary News. Last Friday students showed their creativity and thinking skills as they created costumes from recycled materials for our first Recycled Fashion Show, which took place in the Auditorium. Contestants wowed the judges with amazing outfits as they strutted confidently down the catwalk, and the judges had to discuss at length before assigning some awards. Many thanks to Ms. Ashley Wombles, who organized the event, and to all the teachers who helped the students preparing and having such a fantastic time. Primary School will definitely make this an annual event.

PYP Exhibition. Exciting preparations are underway for the Year 6 Exhibition, which will take place next Thursday 10th and Friday 11th May. Students have been out in the community collecting research, raising money for their Action and preparing their display boards and music or art pieces.

Please come and join us to celebrate the students’ achievement and invitations have been sent out accordingly. It’s going to be a great example of PYP in Action!

MYP Personal Project Exhibition. This Friday the Year 11 Personal Project Exhibition went off very well in the Auditorium. Staff, parents and students were amazed by the excellent projects that our students produced. The variety of work was incredible: Lisa created an informative booklet about air pollution, Micah designed a website to inform people about how to design a ‘green home’, Guan developed an animation which comments on how life changes as we mature, Alessandro created a video to introduce students to astronomy, Song made an animation about assault and set this to a contemporary song, Justin made an Economics magazine along the lines of The Economist and Jason made a musical remix. Each project shows a tremendous amount of effort, and we really applaud our students on their achievements.

We would like to thank all who took the time to support our students, and for more information please contact our MYP Coordinator, Mrs. Trull ( ).

School Carnival’s Talent Show. On Saturday, June 2nd we will hold our 6th annual Carnival event, from 10am to 2pm. An important part of the day is the Talent Show that allows our students to showcase their performing skills to the community. Examples of performances might include singing (solo or band), dancing, playing instruments, doing magic, telling jokes, or acting a short play. And there are other possibilities as well!

If you would like to join the Talent Show during Carnival, please sign up for the auditions that will be held on 15th May (period 4 for Upper Primary and period 5 for Lower Primary students) and on May 22nd (period 5 for Secondary students) in the Music Room.

A special invitation to parents: our priority is to allow as many students to perform in the Talent Show; however, if there is time remaining in the programme we encourage parents to join, as well.

Anyone interested in the Talent Show, please contact Ms. Krystal Jiang ( ) or Mr. Giovanni Sorana ( ).

Reminders. Our Year 13 students have started their Diploma examinations. We remind they should be in school by 8.45am or 1.15pm for afternoon examinations. We wish them all the best.

The PYP Student Led Conference will take place on Friday 18th May.

The Year 13 students will be graduating from Hanova on Friday, 25th May.

The Year 12 end of year examinations will take place between May 21st to May 24th.

Thanks again for your continuing support.


Francesco Masetti-Placci


Upcoming Events

Please note these upcoming dates for events and activities that will take place in the following weeks:

Thursday 10th – Friday 11th May                PYP Year 6 Exhibition

Friday 18th May                                         PYP Student Led Conference

Friday 18th May                                         IB Diploma Exams finish

Monday May 21st to Thursday May 24th   Year 12 end of year examinations

Friday 25th May                                         Diploma Graduation

Saturday 2nd June                                     School Carnival

About the Author

Francesco Masetti-Placci

Former School Principal

Dr. Masetti-Placci was a former school Principal of Xi'an Hanova International School from 2015-2018. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of Bologna and a Master in Information Technology from Polytechnic of Milan, with studies also in France (University of Rennes) and the USA (Washington University). Before joining Hanova, he previously has taught in secondary schools and universities in Italy, France, USA and China.

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