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WASC Accreditation visit

Sports Days. Just to remind our parents and students, our Sports Days is taking place this week. On Thursday, 18thApril, our PYP students will have their Sports Day from 9.30am to 12.30am. In the afternoon, there may be some other fun and games. On Friday, 19thApril, it is the turn of the Secondary School, who will be doing a range of competitive sports and other fun ‘House’ activities from 9.30am to 3.30pm.

Students are reminded to bring along their PE kit for these events. As in previous years, if parents would like to come along and provide drinks and snacks, they are more than welcome.

WASC Visit and Accreditation. The Accrediting Commission for Schools Western Association of Schools and Colleges (ACS WASC) will visit our school from April 21st to April 25th, 2019 for the WASC Self-Study visit. WASC is the most prestigious educational accreditation institution in the U.S., focusing on continuously improving students’ learning quality and ensuring high standards of academic achievement. After accreditation, our school’s education quality is world recognized and it helps our school to improve our curriculum and supports our students.

Hanova applied for WASC accreditation in 2015 and welcomed the WASC Initial Visit in 2016. After the visit, WASC visitors provided us with valuable recommendations for the school’s ongoing development. Hanova officially gained WASC candidacy status in 2017. In the past 3 years, Hanova has adhered to the philosophy of student-centered learning and has continuously improved the quality of school education according to the recommendations from WASC. Hanova submitted a detailed WASC Self-Study report to WASC in March 2019. We will start a four-and-a-half-day WASC Self-Study visit on April 21st, 2019. In the afternoon of Thursday, April 25th, 2019, WASC visitors will provide a feedback presentation on the ongoing development of the school for teachers and students in the Auditorium according to the findings of their four-day visit.

On behalf of the school, I would like to thank all the parents and students who have kindly volunteered to be a part of the Visit. If you have any questions about WASC and the Visit, please contact our WASC Coordinator, Mrs. Amy Hou, on

Update: The WASC Accreditation visit was successful! Here are some photos of the event:

News from Primary School. Just kindly remind you, our Sports Days are taking place this week. On Thursday, 18th April, our PYP students will have their Sports Day from 9.30am to 12.30am. In the afternoon, there may be some other fun and games.

Students should bring:

House colors (shirts)
Athletic footwear
Jacket (if it is cold or wet)
Water bottles

As in previous years, if parents would like to come along and provide drinks and snacks, they are more than welcome.

News from Secondary School

MYP Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences. The MYP Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences went very well this week. Thank you to all parents who attended. If there are any parents who were unable to attend the conference but would like to see Mrs. Trull about their child’s progress, please make an appointment with Ms. Lilian (

MYP Year 11 History Lesson. We would like to share a recent History lesson to our community.

World War Two came alive for the Year 11s this week as we imagined that we were the strategists controlling the Axis and the Allied powers in 1942.

The following statements were overheard:

Germany: “Let’s get the USSR!”

USA: “I’m not going to actually fight!”

UK to USA: “Can you please just help me?”

USA to UK: “I actually can’t!”

Japan to USSR: “Turn against the USA, look at your position!”

Our students showed their commitment to learning in a new way and learnt that History can be fun!

MYP Gymnastics Unit. The MYP students have finished their gymnastics unit for 6 weeks’ learning. In this unit, students focused on the drills of travels, jumping and landing, vault, balancing challenges, balance beams, cartwheel/round-offs and rolling etc., so they have learnt how to control their body in proper way. Students have realized the fact that the strength, flexibility and balance that they gained from working on gymnastics skills will transfer easily to every other sport that they might want to pursue.

MYP Y9: UN Global Goals Competition 2018-19

The Roots to lungs. An eye-opening experience for actively participating in climate change, while organising, working collaboratively and understanding the value of ‘Social Responsibility’.

Our city, Xian has high pollution on a daily basis, and our school has the average of 120 PM2.5. We feel that having high pollution doesn’t make our school a safe learning environment, as it can have a detrimental effect in our lives. Recently, there has been a trend in media called the “10 -year challenge” this is where people compare photos of themselves 10 years ago vs now. Some people have put a new perspective on this challenge, by turning it a comparison of the earth 10 years ago vs now. In these pictures, we saw heartbreaking changes. 10 years ago, the amazon forest was barely touched, now millions of trees have been cut down. We also saw one about a graph of one Chinas pollution. In that graph the pollution levels spiked up rapidly in comparison to 10 years ago.

The UN Global Goals competition sparked a passion in us. We all instantly decided that we wanted to do something. We could no longer watch our earth deteriorate around us. When our Humanities teacher introduced the Global Goals UN competition 2018/19, we were thrilled. This was our chance as young students to make a change at our level. In order to fulfil this competition, we as a class discussed what we wanted to focus on in this competition. Without doubts, everyone agreed on reducing the pollution in Xian, by planting trees. We spoke to authorities such as the owner of the school, our MYP coordinator and PYP coordinator about arranging this idea, they approved and have been very supportive. Last week we spoke at assemblies about bringing 5-10 yuan in order to buy the trees. Most students were just as passionate about this idea as us and contributed an unbelievable amount. We collected RMB 2640 in total, out of which two of our parents contributed RMB 1000 and RMB 470 respectively.

This competition has taught our class lots of life skill, that we will nurture forever. One of the many skills we have learnt is how to collaborate effectively as a team. Obviously, collaboration plays a major role in our day to day lives. We collaborate with people when we speak, when we work and in many more daily scenarios. Since this project requires team-work, collaboration is very necessary and important. During this competition we have also developed exceptional organizational skills. Before this project, we knew nothing about how to organize materials and time effectively, but now, we have gained the knowledge. Take organizing the money for example. Before this competition, we didn’t know how to gather the money in an effective way, after some help from our teacher, we knew how. Even though our class was heavily organized, we had an issue with where we were planting the trees. Our class took initiative and re-adjusted the plan, by thinking of other areas we could plant our trees. We then remembered that our school was building a new campus that would be open in 2020. We all thought that our new school campus would be a great place to plant our trees and it would be extremely beneficial. Last week, we spoke to students about bringing a 5-10-yuan donation for us to buy the trees. This week, we collected the money and bought the trees. We planted 22 trees (Ginko, Robinia and Cherry Blossom) in our new campus.

Whole class would definitely recommend participating in this competition or any competitions similar. It is an amazing opportunity to do your part in helping the world around us. Our class has had an amazing time taking part in this competition. It has truly opened our eyes, and shown us that even Year 9’s can help change the world, even if it means planting a few trees.

Written by Li Jiafu & Reece-Morgan Meadow

IB Diploma Examinations – May 6 to May 23. On Friday, our Year 13 students had their last official academic classes at the school and are now studying independently for their final written examinations.

The first examinations are on Monday, 6thMay and will be Korean A and Chinese A Language and Literature H/SL Paper 1. The final examinations for our students take place on Thursday, 23rdMay and will be Chemistry H/SL Paper 3.

All the students have received their individual schedules from IB and the have been briefed on the ‘Notice to Candidates’ information.

If parents would like more information – including the overall examination schedule – please contact our IB Diploma Coordinator, Ms. Sharon Zhu, on

I’m sure we will all join in in wishing our students the very best of luck.

Upcoming University Fair-April 17th. On Wednesday, April 17th, we are going to host a university fair in our auditorium.Seven U.S universities will visit Hanova from 1:10-2:20 pm. Below is the list of universities:

American University (Washington DC)
Eastern Michigan University (Michigan)
Full Sail University (Florida)
Iowa State University (Iowa)
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Science (Boston, MA)
Temple University (Philadelphia, PA)
Westminster College (Salt Lake City, Utah)

As always, parents from Year 9 to Year 12 are welcomed to attend this event and you can receive updated information from admission officers and representatives. It is highly recommended for students wishing to apply to U.S universities. During that day, students and parents can meet admission officers face to face and ask questions regarding to college application process. If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact our University and Careers Counselors Ms. Sharon Zhu ( and Ms. Jane Lei (

Thanks again for your continuing support.


Robert C. Muntzer


Upcoming Events

Please take note of these dates. As soon as they are confirmed, we will inform you about any additional events and activities that may take place in the following weeks:

Monday, 15thApril         Year 13 DP Study Leave begins

Thursday, 18thApril      PYP Sports Day

Friday, 19thApril            MYP Sports Day

Wednesday, 1stMay       Public Holiday – school closed

Monday, 6thMay            Year 13 IB Diploma exams begin

Friday, 17thMay             Primary School Student led conferences

Thursday, 23rdMay       Year 13 IB Diploma exams end

Friday, 24thMay            Year 13 Diploma Graduation Ceremony

See More Photos
