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Spring semester MYP Mathematics activities at Hanova

Written by Gerardo Nájera, Head of Mathematics

1st Pi Day at Hanova. Pi Day has been celebrated around the world on 14 March at 1:59pm since 1983, the date when the US Congress adopted it. This coincides with the birth of Albert Einstein in 1879 and the death of Stephen Hawking in 2018.

It is customary to celebrate it by eating something round, since Pi is the ratio of the diameter to the circumference, so it is very common to eat apple pie, pizza, cookies and cupcakes. Other common ways of celebrating are with athletic competitions where the participants run 3.14 miles (almost 5km) and reciting the highest number of digits after the 3 point. The world record is at 100,000 digits with 17 continuous hours reciting such digits, by a Swedish man named Jonas Von Essen.

At Hanova, we had our first celebration this year, where the participants ate pizza and the first four places won a prize. The entire secondary school took part in the event and the Maths department organized it in the library on Monday, 15 March with the collaboration of Miss Lazareck and the Arts department.

We congratulate our winners for their incredible effort:
- 1st place Emily Y7 with 105 digits
- 2nd place Tony Y8 with 100 digits
- 3rd place Amelia Y9 with 73 digits
- 4th place Miss Krystal with 54 digits

Although this year was a success, we will plan to build on our Pi Day celebrations for future years and invite everyone to participate in this wonderful day!

MYP Students participate in local Math Fair. On 22 April at the gym of XIS, six of our Year 11 students participated for the first time in the XIS math fair. All six of them: Alice, Albert, James, Jay, Angela and Dylan had a great time and won some prizes.

We offer our thanks to XIS for this invitation. We really think that collaboration between schools creates better knowledge and is a great way to promote friendship and communication for the global international mindset.

I hope our schools can continue having these friendly competitions in the future and hopefully more schools could attend to increase the international math fraternity here in Xi’an.

1st Math Assembly at Hanova. On 23 April, we held the first ever Recycled Paper Tower competition in which all of our MYP students participated. The students could only use recycled newspapers and tape – and a tennis ball that the tower had to support for at least 10 seconds. All teams had a great time and even greater imagination for creating such towers.

Our House team winners were:
- 1st place Song with 295 cm
- 2nd place Qin with 263 cm
- 3rd place Han with 252 cm
- 4th place Tang with 134 cm

Now that we have seen that the students can make high towers, we hope to add other challenges in future years, such as making the towers withhold wind and earthquake simulations!

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