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Hanova’s Table Tennis Open 2022

The month of September saw the inaugural Hanova Table Tennis Open take place. We had more than 50 participants from Year 4 through to teaching and support staff. The tournament was split into 4 categories, a PYP competition, Middle School competition and High School students/staff men’s and women’s competition.

All participants were split into group sections and played each other in a round-robin format to 11-points. The top 2 players in each section qualified to the last 8 or in Middle school the last 4 (played over the best of 3-sets). The spirit of fair-play, respect was on full display as well as no shortage of skill as the atmosphere on the 2nd floor of the sports building each day was something very special, and had people talking. The final championship games were played in the 3rd floor gym and are first ever Hanova Table Tennis Champions were crowned as follows:

PYP Champion: Grace Li, Runner-Up: John Lee

Middle School Champion: May Luo, Runner-Up: Edward Li

High School and Staff Women’s Champion: Ms Lana, Runner-Up: Ms June

High School and Staff Men’s Champion: Mr Dušan, Runner-Up: Mr Kevin Wang

House points were also on offer and the house that scored the most points throughout the tournament was Tang. We look forward to organizing more competitions like this in the future. A huge thank-you and well done to all involved.

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