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hanova's school newsletter

Primary swimming lessons at Hanova

Dear Parents and friends

Primary swimming lessons at Hanova - written by Ms Tomoe Fujise, Physical & Health Education.  It is great to have our year 1 and 2 swimmers in the water every week. After the pool induction, we are working on building our confidence in the water. Everyone is working hard and already making good progress. We plan to start swimming lessons for Upper Primary in November. Looking forward to it.


Ms Tomi

Plastic bottle collection house competition winners! - written by Mr Gary Wood, MYP Humanities.  Congratulations to Han House who were the winners of the plastic bottle house competition, with a total number of 59 bags donated! In total, students from all four houses donated 170 bags of empty plastic bottles. The response to this competition was nothing short of amazing and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the parents who got involved with helping their children gather and donate the bottles to the school. Thankfully, I had some wonderful students help me transport the large number of bottles to the storage point. Well done everyone who took part!

Primary House events - written by Mr Daniel Angulo, Year 5 Teacher.  Last week in the PYP, the Early Years students started an amazing House project led by one our talented music teachers, Ms. Serene. The students used recycled materials to create an instrument and play it to the Wellerman rhythm. There is still a lot of fun to be had this week as students will choose the best instruments and rhythm among House members.

The Upper Years had a great time as well thanks to Art teachers Ms. Sanaz and Mr. Clark. They got together with their House teammates to simultaneously color an abstract mosaic. The students practiced their visible thinking skills as they strived to cover every spot on the paper while expressing themselves.

The odd socks on show were just the cherry on the cake!



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About the School Principal

Mr Lucas J. Roberts

School Principal

Mr Lucas J. Roberts is the current School Principal at Hanova. Mr. Luke, as he prefers to be called, has served in international school education in China for the past 14 years in Wuxi, Shanghai, Suzhou and Beijing. He has served during those years as Secondary Principal, whole school Vice Principal, School Principal (K-7th grade), High School Principal and Primary School Principal. He graduated university with a B.A. in Interdisciplinary Studies and continued on to earn an M.Ed. in Educational Administration. He joined Hanova in the summer of 2023 and is currently working on completing his Ed.D in Educational Leadership through Wilkes University (USA).