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Hanova students take on the challenge of Model United Nations

Dear Parents and friends

Diplomacy in Action: Hanova students take on the challenge of Model United Nations - written by Ms Jane Lei, University & Careers Counselor.  A spirited group of young diplomats made their mark at the recent DAIS MUN XIV (Dalian American International School Model United Nations) conference on March 15th to 16th.

The conference, a simulation of the real-world United Nations, was a melting pot of debates, negotiations, and resolutions that brought together young minds from across international schools in Xi’an, Dalian, Chengdu, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, and Xiamen.

Our MUN team, comprising 16 students from Year 10 to Year 12, in 5 different committees UNEP (United Nations Environmental Programme), UNOOSA (United Nations Office to Outer Space Affairs), UNESCO (United Nations Educational, scientific and cultural organization), UNSC (United Nations Security Council), and ICJ (International Court of Justice), stepped into the shoes of delegates, tackling some of the world’s most pressing issues, with a maturity well beyond their years. From climate change to AI in education, humanitarian needs to corruption and hyperinflation, space research facilities to nuclear energy, our delegates argued, allied, and compromised, embodying the very essence of diplomacy and international relations.

Congratulations to our Best Delegate Jiho Park (Delegate of Chile) from UNEP committee receiving the Best Delegate award. Congratulations to our student Yulia Yuan for serving as a deputy chair for security council. A special thank you to Ms. Sandra Gerrits, Mr. Aristipo Rodriguez, and Ms. Jane Lei to make this event happen.

As the conference ended, our students walked away with more than just certificates and accolades; they carried with an enriched understanding of the world and a reinforced sense of global citizenship. The confidence and poise displayed by our delegates in presenting their arguments and negotiating solutions were truly commendable.

At Xi’an Hanova International School, we believe in the power of experiential learning, and the MUN conference was a shining example of this philosophy in action. We are proud of our young diplomats and look forward to their continued growth and success in future MUN endeavors and beyond.

Celebrating Our Unsung Heroes: Support Staff Appreciation at Hanova - written by Ms Lindsey Burrows, Year 4B Homeroom Teacher.  Over the past few weeks, something remarkable has been happening at Hanova. Our students have been engaged in a collective effort to recognize and appreciate the contributions of our support staff – the unsung heroes who work behind the scenes to keep our school running smoothly. From the Marketing & Admissions team to the Maintenance & Security crew, from the Administration staff to the Canteen workers, from the dedicated Cleaners to the caring Medical team, and not forgetting our dependable Bus Drivers – each role was acknowledged and honored.

Collaborating in groups, our students poured their hearts into crafting personalized thank-you letters and displays using recycled materials. It was inspiring to witness their creativity in action as they transformed everyday items into heartfelt expressions of gratitude.

The culmination of this effort was a small yet heartfelt ceremony held on Thursday, March 14th. During the ceremony, our support staff members were invited to join us as we shared kind words and presented them with flowers as tokens of our gratitude for their dedication and hard work.

Through this initiative, our students learned the importance of expressing gratitude, the power of collaboration and teamwork and the profound impact of small gestures of appreciation.

As we reflect on this experience, let us carry forward the spirit of appreciation and continue to uplift and support one another in all that we do. To our support staff – thank you for everything you do, you are truly appreciated.

ACAMIS Jr. Swim Xian, hosted by XLIS March 15 - 16, 2024 - written by Ms Tomi Fujise, Physical & Health Education.  24 schools from 441 swimmers, 900 combined student-athletes, coaches, and spectators from all over China - this was the Hawks Swim Team's first swim competition and for many of our swimmers, their first ever meet. Who would have thought - back in November when we had our team tryout - that we would be competing in a meet of this magnitude so soon. The hosts put together a great event and we were fortunate to have this opportunity on our doorstep.

For our swimmers there was so much to learn.  Every aspect of the day was new – completing the warm up works, marshalling, organising the line up for relays, starting from the starting blocks, what to do after the race... All of our swimmers rose to the challenge!  They were so brave and proved themselves to be such a group of wonderful risk takers. Every swimmer exceeded my expectations in their races; they set new personal best times (PBs), enjoyed each others' company and came together as a team.

Hawks Swim Team Participants

Year 4 Sarah Kang

Year 5  Kivi Li

Year 6  James Peng

Ryan Kang

Olivia Ahn

Year 7  Grace Li

Easton Yan

Sophia Chan

Year 8  Lucy Kang


ACAMIS Jr. Swim 2024 team results

Team score - Hanova 16th


Individual results

Kivi Li (Girls 9-10 years old category)

50m Butterfly               8th

50m Freestyle               6th

50m Breaststroke        8th

100m Freestyle             4th

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About the School Principal

Mr Lucas J. Roberts

School Principal

Mr Lucas J. Roberts is the current School Principal at Hanova. Mr. Luke, as he prefers to be called, has served in international school education in China for the past 14 years in Wuxi, Shanghai, Suzhou and Beijing. He has served during those years as Secondary Principal, whole school Vice Principal, School Principal (K-7th grade), High School Principal and Primary School Principal. He graduated university with a B.A. in Interdisciplinary Studies and continued on to earn an M.Ed. in Educational Administration. He joined Hanova in the summer of 2023 and is currently working on completing his Ed.D in Educational Leadership through Wilkes University (USA).