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The Principal's Newsletter

Hanova’s first ever Student Council election

By Mr Martin Hughes

Dear Parents and

Students sharing work. Every week in assemblies students from a number of classes share their learning.  This develops their confidence in speaking to an audience and going up on stage.  It also helps us to share and celebrate the learning that is happening.  These assemblies have been one of the many highlights of our new school as students seem so keen to contribute and watch and listen. 

Last week we heard from N/R/Y1 how they have been learning that we are all similar but all different, in the same way that snowflakes are all unique.  They showed us their beautiful and very individual cut out snowflakes. 

We heard from Y5/6 how they saw their lives as gradually taking on more responsibilities, stairs of responsibilities as one student called it.  They showed posters on how they had developed this through their lifetime and how they expected these responsibilities to grow in the future. 

Three students from Y10/11 presented their posters about caring for the planet (Greenhouse gases, pollution) and spoke about them in English.  We were most impressed with how their spoken and written English are both developing, and that they were confident enough to demonstrate this in front of the whole school.

Finally we heard about the Great Gingerbread Escape.  Y2 had baked gingerbread men which had then escaped.  The class were excited to follow clues around the school, eventually discovering that the gingerbread men had sneaked in through Mr Hughes’s open window and were on a shelf!  This experience really deepened the students’ understanding of the story of the Gingerbread Man and motivated them to read the book.  These are just some small practical examples of the sorts of things the students are doing and how they are becoming enthusiastic and engaged in their learning.

ECAs. These have started this week.  It has been a joy to see both students and staff engrossed in developing activities that extend or support the curriculum.  Thanks for the volunteers – parents and staff that enabled these 16 activities to go ahead.

Student Council. Last week, we were very pleased to have our first-ever Hanova Student Council election. The following students were successfully elected and have made a commitment to enhance the quality of the school.

Executive President: Robin Brunzel                       Vice-president: Mark Lee

Treasurer: Max Na                                                         Secretary: Aiden Min

Class Representatives:

Y13: Song Song                                Y12: Bolton Choi                Y11: May Lee                    Y10: Tina Shim

Y9: Paul Yu                        Y8: Kevin Qu                     Y7: Jason Wang        Y6: Micah Rice

Y5: Lukas Brunzel           Y4: Caroline Chen           Y3: Asha O'Connor-Palacios

Y2: Harrison Grimmett                                                Y1: Maheer Chowdhury

We will have our first Student Council meeting on Monday, October 8th at lunch-time.

Meetings will be held in the English Literature Room (A303).  For the first meeting, the faculty advisor to Student Council, Mr Gallerno, would like to buy lunch for all members as a treat. Lunch will be a double cheeseburger, fries, and soft drink from McDonald's. Parent signup sheets should have been sent home on Thursday. Those students who decide not to have McDonald's should bring lunch to the meeting.

Uniform. Unfortunately our uniform supplier has been struggling to complete our initial orders.  By the time you read this, the polo shirts should have been delivered.  We are still missing the scooter skirts sizes 90-120, and shorts sizes 90-120, 150, 170 and 180. Apparently there has been some problem with getting material of sufficiently good quality.  We have been assured that these will be here by the middle of October.  Thank you for your patience while we have been waiting for these.

We have ordered the winter uniform from another supplier and we hope to receive delivery of this by the end of October. Uniforms are nearly always contentious, so if you have comments on them please do not hesitate to send to Ms May Liu so we can consider your views.  We are disappointed that our instructions for the length of the scooter skirts for the older students were not followed by the supplier.

Building Evacuation. We practised the evacuation of the building in case of fire or some other emergency.  Everyone seemed clear on their roles and the students responded very well walking out very quietly and safely on to the football field.  We were even able to include 2 potential parent visitors in the practice as well as all staff on the site.  Everyone was accounted for in under 3½ minutes from the alarm first sounding.

We will be holding a second practice after the October holiday.  After that is established we will train the students in procedures in the unlikely event of a Lockdown.  We deal sensitively with the students in order to ensure they are as safe as possible, but without unduly alarming them. 

Parent Consultations. These will take place in the week beginning 29th October.  More details to follow.

Saturday Sports. Saturday Sports will take place as usual on Saturday, 29th September 09:30-12:00.  However, there will be no Sports on the following Saturday and they will resume on 13th October. You will receive an email by 9am if the day is decided to be "wet" and therefore cancelled.

Mosquitoes. We purchased 40 plug in mosquito repellants last week.  Some of us, probably those that eat too much chocolate (!), were rather irritated by these unloved insects.  The number of vicious attacks has been drastically reduced this week.

Friday leaving time. The buses have had a little difficulty on a Friday afternoon leaving the premises.  This is because the Bodi school’s weekend leaving time coincides with ours.  If we leave 5 or 10 minutes earlier we think we may be able to save a 15 minute wait at the school gate on the bus for the children. We will therefore leave the school at 3:35pm rather than 3:45pm.  If the buses are earlier than normal they will wait at the bus location until the adults that pick them up are there. 

First school holiday. I would like to thank all our parents and friends for your great support in this first spell of our existence – it’s been a great first four weeks thanks to your support and the dedication of the team of teachers, support staff and Board we have here.

Please remember that we are on holiday next week.  We return to school on Monday, 8th October - not the Tuesday as I incorrectly wrote in last week’s newsletter.  I apologise if this misinformation has caused you any inconvenience or confusion. 

Have a lovely mid Autumn and National Holiday. 

Best regards,

Martin Hughes


Forthcoming events


Friday, 28th                                        Last day of school for Mid Autumn and National Day


Monday, 8th                                        School re-opens

Wednesday, 17th                             International Day

Saturday, 27th                                   Visit of students from Bradford Grammar School, England

Week beginning, 29th                    Parent Consultations


About the Author

Martin Hughes

Former School Principal

Mr Martin Hughes was the founding Principal of Hanova from 2012-15. Prior to his time at Hanova, he already had 23 years of experience as Principal in the UK and China at five different schools - including posts at Wuxi EtonHouse and EtonHouse's flagship Suzhou school. During his time as founding Principal at Hanova, he helped support the initial IB Diploma Programme authorisation (2014) and used his educational vision to help plant our then brand new school on a firm foundation. Under his leadership, Hanova's motto emerged, "Enabling children to become independent, creative and lifelong learners!"

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