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A fantastic first day at Hanova International

"What a fantastic first week it has been in the very new history of Hanova International.  It has been such an exciting time with the students settling in so quickly into routines that we are still trying to establish.  I found it hard to believe on that first Monday that the students would all be so focused on their work so early in the school day.  So much learning was taking place so quickly.  The number of happy, smiling faces from the students to the parents to the staff to the Board made all the hard work of the last few months so worthwhile for all of us.  So many things have worked so well – the school building is serving us excellently and is so light and airy; the textbooks are all here (well, almost); even the new buses arrived almost exactly on time on the first day – the practice runs helped of course."

"Despite all the planning and attention to detail there have, of course, been hiccoughs.  The lunches on the first day arrived over 30 minutes late so a number of students had outside play before they ate!  Most didn’t seem to mind.  Our first day assembly was delayed and then the projector for the assembly decided it wouldn’t work.  Never mind, the students were treated to all the staff leading an impromptu rendition of Heads, and Shoulders, Knees and Toes!"   - Martin Hughes, founding Principal

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