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The Principal's Newsletter

Hanova becomes official ACT and SAT test center

By Francesco Masetti-Placci

Dear Parents and friends,

Our academic and administrative highlights for the past week, and a list of the upcoming events up to the Qingming holiday break.

The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award. Hanova is now an authorized IAC (Independent Award Center) to launch the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award to our students. Last week Ms. Amy Hou (Award Coordinator), Ms. Janice Cao (Award Leader), Mr. Anthony Lynn (Award Supervisor) and Mr.Chris Chao (Award Supervisor) attended the International Award Training in Shanghai, focusing on how to prepare our students to challenge themselves through Service, Skills, Physical Recreation and Adventurous Journey. There will soon be presentations to Secondary School students about the Bronze, Silver and Gold levels of the Award (including the mandatory Residential Project at Gold level). For more information, please contact Ms. Hou (

ACT Test Center. We already informed you on our School progress to support our Secondary students to enter top universities around the world. Now Hanova International School is an official ACT test center, and we can offer to international students both SAT and ACT tests.

The ACT (American College Testing) serves the same admission purpose as the SAT. However, to comply with current restrictions applied by the Chinese Ministry of Education, Hanova has been designated as an “unlisted” center and will not show up on the ACT test center look-up page.

Our first ACT test date will be set for October 22. Chinese citizens can take the ACT only as an end-of-course examination as part of the Global Assessment Certificate (GAC). Chinese citizens who are GAC candidates must register through their GAC center, while if they are not GAC candidates they cannot take the ACT in China. 

If you have any question, please contact Mrs. Zhu (

University visits. We continue to receive visits from international universities, as part of preparing our students to continue their studies in China and abroad. On Tuesday, 15th March we hosted the University of Pittsburgh-Johnstown. On Friday, 18th March, we hosted again the Emirates Academy of Hospitality Management.

These events are good opportunities for Year 12 and Year 13 students to decide their future, but also for students in Year 9, Year 10 and Year 11 to choose the optional subjects that can be more in line with their current and future interests.

Year 11 IGCSE Mock Exams. A reminder that this week there will still be IGCSE examinations up to 23rd March as practice for the real ones, since these mock exams will have the same format as the IGCSE examination in May. Please note that the exams start at 8.45am and any student sitting these exams should be in school at least 15 minutes before the start: if this involves your children please make suitable arrangements.

PYP House Activities. Last Tuesday, the Year 3 and Year 4 students took part in a Dodgeball interhouse activity organized by the PE department. It was a wonderful afternoon, with the students demonstrating a great level of enthusiasm towards the activity. They played great games showing good qualities like fair-play, cooperation and perseverance. The results are listed hereafter: 1) Qin; 2) Tang; 3) Han; 4) Song.

The next inter-house event will be the Year 1 and Year 2 Soccer, which will be held on Thursday 24th March. 

PYP Assembly Changes. A reminder about the PYP Assembly Changes: Friday 25th March for Year 3; Friday 1st April for Nursery. The Year 6 assembly, which was to be held on the 25th March, has been moved to 26th and 27th May, when the students will present their Exhibitions.

Upcoming Events. Please take note of these upcoming events during the month of March and April:

  • Saturday, 20th March Secondary Football at Xi’an Hi-Tech International School - 9:00am
  • Friday, 25th March Hope College visit - 2:30pm
  • Wednesday, 30th March IGCSE Parent - Teacher Conference - 3:45pm
  • April 2nd- 10th Qingming Spring Break   
  • Monday, April 11th School reopens
  • Friday, April 15th Sports Day

Thanks again for your continuing support.


Francesco Masetti-Placci

About the Author

Francesco Masetti-Placci

Former School Principal

Dr. Masetti-Placci was a former school Principal of Xi'an Hanova International School from 2015-2018. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of Bologna and a Master in Information Technology from Polytechnic of Milan, with studies also in France (University of Rennes) and the USA (Washington University). Before joining Hanova, he previously has taught in secondary schools and universities in Italy, France, USA and China.

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