Fairview International School (Malaysia) Visit. Hanova proudly hosted the visit of Fairview International School from Malaysia on Wednesday 26th April. This provided to our MYP students in Year 10 and 11 the opportunity to collaborate with other international students as the school achieves its aim of promoting international mindedness. This visit was welcome by Mrs. Trull, our MYP Coordinator, and we were very happy to see all students exchanging contact details by the end of the day, proving its success!
Our Year 11 students shared their experiences of the Personal Project. They told the audience a little bit about their projects and participated in a Question and Answer session, which showed how each of them had managed every aspect of the MYP Project cycle. Afterwards the audience moved between our Year 11 students in a carousel system, to find out more about the specific projects they were interested in, and to ask advice from our students about the particular topics that they have been considering. Our Year 10 students and the Fairview students found real encouragement and motivation from this experience. The group of students considering a career in fashion and design were particularly happy to have met each other and promised to keep in contact!
Mr. Gallerno, our MYP Service & Action Coordinator, led activities related to advocating for Earth Day. Our students showed themselves very knowledgeable about the crisis of sustainability and worked constructively with the Fairview group to create good posters and to produce entertaining role plays. These discussions demonstrated that all MYP students are interested to make a positive impact as global citizens.
All Year 10, Year 11 and Year 12 students then played together a final set of football and table tennis games, while a group of Hanova and Fairview students interviewed the Coordinators.
At the end of the day we exchanged gifts and farewells and we are very grateful to everyone who helped to make this an incredibly successful day. We all look forward to meeting again in the future!
Secondary Mangahigh Mathematics Competition. We received the medals for our Secondary students who achieved outstanding scores in the Mangahigh Mathematics Competition. The following students were celebrated during last week’s Assembly and we are very proud of their achievements.
Bronze medals:
Xun Khang Tan – Year 8
Albert Kim – Year 7
Isaac Rice – Year 9
YiYo Ng – Year 7
Silver medals:
Sky Xiao – Year 9
Lisa Kwon – Year 10
Gold medals:
Micah Rice – Year 10
Alessandro Sanita Boezio – Year 10
David Lee – Year 7
Justin Chung – Year 10
Song Song– Year 10
Henry Lee – Year 7
Diploma Programme Exams. From 1st May, our first cohort of Diploma Programme students will sit their exams. We wish well to our Year 13 students, so that they will all be able to continue their studies at the excellent universities, which have extended offers to them from around the world.
Primary School News. The PYP classes are completing their Summative Assessments and reflections to finish their 5th Unit of Inquiry. In the next fortnight, they will begin their last Unit for the year. A UOI newsletter will be sent home soon.
Also, a reminder that the PYP Student Led Conferences will be on May 22nd. This is not a regular school day for PYP students and there will be no classes. However, students are required to come for the Conference: parents have received information about the day with a reply slip to book a Conference time. If you did not receive this notice or have any questions, please contact your homeroom teacher or the Marketing team
Important Academic Dates. We are approaching the end of the school year. Please book your calendars to participate to these key academic events during the next months.
- From Monday 1st to Friday 19th May, our Year 13 students will sit for the Diploma Programme examinations.
- From Monday 22nd to Friday 26th May, our Secondary students will have some End of Year exams and assessments.
- On Monday 22nd May, our Primary students will lead the PYP Student Led Conferences.
- On Friday 26th May the Secondary Graduation Assembly will take place, an important event for our Year 13 students who will then leave Hanova.
- On Friday 26th May evening we will have the Graduation Dinner for our Y13 students to celebrate their achievements in a family setting.
- On Thursday and Friday 1st – 2nd June, our Year 6 students will present the PYP Exhibition, which is the culminating experience of the IB PYP.
Thanks again for your continuing support.
Francesco Masetti-Placci
Upcoming Events
Monday 22nd May Primary Student Led Conferences
Friday 26th May Secondary Graduation Assembly
Friday 26th May Secondary Graduation Dinner
Thursday-Friday 1st-2nd June PYP Exhibition
Saturday 10th School Carnival