Mission Statement and School Aims Meeting. On Saturday we were fortunate to bring our community together again to brainstorm ideas about our school’s guiding statements (namely our mission statement and vision.) About 30 of our community members (parents, students, support staff, teachers and our Board) reviewed three separate categories with reference to our beliefs, achievements and attitudes at Hanova. These categories were gleaned from a variety of sources e.g. meetings, parent interviews, student comments. It was all very enlightening for us all to see how similar our views are!
The next step is to assemble all these ideas together and then to draft our guiding statements. Once we have had a chance to reflect on all of the comments and suggestions, we will inform you of the draft proposals.
One word that continued to circulate amongst the groups was ‘inspire.’ We are a very fortunate community indeed!
Playgroup. Our first playgroup session at Hanova was a great success, with 13 little ones accompanied by mums, dads, grandparents and ayis. It was wonderful to see the next generation learning how to relate with each other and learn what it is to be in a community. There was such a positive, friendly atmosphere between all involved. The children enjoyed some playtime together, some tentatively at first. They soon warmed up and participated in some singing and storytelling, an outdoor snack and outdoor play. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves and it was hard to get them all to leave! They were so excited to be there with the big kids.
We are still looking for donations of toys for the playgroup; these would be greatly appreciated. Please contact Mrs Whitworth - liz.whitworth@his-xian.com or May Liu - may.liu@his-xian.com or phone the school if you can support us.
Change of Bus Seating. Just to inform you that we will be changing the bus seating as of Friday. The students will be given new assigned seats, after school on Friday, and they will use this until we change again in about six-eight weeks.
Best regards,
Natalie O’Connor (for Martin Hughes)
Forthcoming events
Sunday, 24th to Sunday, 31st Middle and Senior Years educational trip to Thailand
Friday, 19th April Sports Day