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The Principal's Newsletter

Hanova Annual Book Fair

By Francesco Masetti-Placci

Dear Parents and friends,

Book Fair. Beijing Star Kids Children’s Bookstore is returning to Hanova run our annual Book Fair. They will set up books for purchase on Thursday, 11th and Friday, 12th May. This is an excellent opportunity for students, parents and friends to select good English books that you can actually look through by yourselves, either with your child or on your own. The Book Fair will be open from 9:00am to 4:00pm in our Hanova library, with all the books offered on display. Students will have scheduled times and can visit the Book Fair at any break time, while parents are welcome at any time. If your child visits the book fair without you, there is also the possibility to reserve any books they would like to purchase, which can then be set aside for them for you to approve and then they can return with the money the next school day. Please send any money in a sealed envelope with your child’s name, the amount of money and the book title (if known).

At this Book Fair we encourage you to buy a book for your child and also buy a book for our Library! If you would like to donate a book, please then inform the Library staff and we will recognize your generosity inside the book cover. Thank you in advance for your support.

Secondary News. From 1st May, our first cohort of Diploma Programme students are sitting their exams. We have completed the first week, with excellent support from all the involved teachers and staff: many thanks to all and we continue to wish well to our students.

We remind Secondary Parents that on Wednesday 10th May there will be a Parents in Partnership Meeting dedicated to the residential education outside the classroom (EOTC) week.

Primary School News. The PYP newsletter, regularly sent home, contains the academic information for parents on the units of inquiry.

We remind Primary Parents that the PYP Student Led Conferences will be on May 22nd, which will not be a regular school day for PYP students. Students are required to come for the Conference and if you did not receive this notice or have any questions, please contact your homeroom teacher or the Marketing team.

Hanova Parent Teacher Association. We remind all parents that we are launching our new Hanova Parent Teacher Association (HPTA).

All parents are automatically members of our HPTA. In addition, any parent can become “Helping Member”, contributing more to the broader life of the school, by getting involved in events, activities, communications, productions and charity projects that will take place in Primary School or Secondary School or at the whole school level.

The HPTA Constitution is available on demand from the School Office, and we welcome your application to inform us of your desired contribution to Mrs. Bi ( ).

A Coffee Morning for parents will be organized on 19th May, to explain in detail the HPTA mission, philosophy, procedures and responsibilities and all the new opportunities available to get involved in Hanova!

ECAs and Academies. We would like to draw your attention that our exatr-curricular activities (ECA) program for this year is scheduled to finish on Wednesday, May 17th. This will be the last day when school buses will leave at 4:30pm. After this date, school buses will leave Hanova at the normal time of 3:30pm for the rest of the school year.

Academies will continue for few additional weeks, and students involved in these programs will be informed individually by the supervising teachers and by the Marketing team.

We look forward to starting the 2017 – 2018 ECA program and the new Academies near the start of September 2017. We will continue to run the ECA activities that are student favourites, some new ECAs will be offered and we will expand the opportunities inside the Academies.

Important Academic Dates. We are approaching the end of the school year. Please book your calendars to participate to these key academic events during the next months.

  • From Monday 1st to Friday 19th May, our Year 13 students will sit for the Diploma Programme examinations.
  • From Monday 22nd to Friday 26th May, our Secondary students will have some End of Year exams and assessments.
  • On Monday 22nd May, our Primary students will lead the PYP Student Led Conferences.
  • On Friday 26th May the Secondary Graduation Assembly will take place, an important event for our Year 13 students who will then leave Hanova.
  • On Friday 26th May evening we will have the Graduation Dinner for our Y13 students to celebrate their achievements in a family setting.
  • On Thursday and Friday 1st – 2nd June, our Year 6 students will present the PYP Exhibition, which is the culminating experience of the IB PYP.


Thanks again for your continuing support.


Francesco Masetti-Placci


Upcoming Events

Friday 19th May                  HPTA Launch Coffee Morning

Monday 22nd May              Primary Student Led Conferences

Friday 26th May                 Secondary Graduation Assembly

Friday 26th May                 Secondary Graduation Dinner

Thursday-Friday 1st-2nd    June PYP Exhibition

Saturday 10th                    June School Carnival

About the Author

Francesco Masetti-Placci

Former School Principal

Dr. Masetti-Placci was a former school Principal of Xi'an Hanova International School from 2015-2018. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of Bologna and a Master in Information Technology from Polytechnic of Milan, with studies also in France (University of Rennes) and the USA (Washington University). Before joining Hanova, he previously has taught in secondary schools and universities in Italy, France, USA and China.

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