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The Principal's Newsletter

Primary Halloween Parade

By Francesco Masetti-Placci

Dear Parents and friends,

Hereafter a few highlights of this week.

IB Diploma Subjects for 2018 – 2020. We are happy to announce that, due to initial student interest, we will be extending the range of possible IB Diploma subjects that can be studied from August 2018. This will enable our students to choose subjects that best fit their university application requirements. For more information, please contact our IB Diploma Coordinator, Mr. Muntzer ( ).

The 21 subjects being offered for August 2018 are:

  • Chinese A Language and Literature H/SL
  • English A Language and Literature H/SL
  • Korean A Language and Literature H/SL
  • Languages A Literature SSST* SL (*school supported self-taught) in Spanish, French, German
  • Literature and Performance (in English) SL only
  • English B H/SL
  • Mandarin B H/SL
  • Mandarin ab Initio SL
  • Spanish ab Initio SL
  • Economics H/SL
  • Geography H/SL
  • History H/SL
  • Information Technology in a Global Society (ITGS) H/SL
  • Psychology H/SL
  • Biology H/SL
  • Chemistry H/SL
  • Physics H/SL
  • Maths HL
  • Maths SL
  • Maths Studies SL
  • Visual Arts H/SL

Hanova IB Diploma Scholarship Scheme. Hanova is committed to academic excellence and the optimal achievement of all its students. We thus remind that the school may offer scholarships to enable all-round brilliant students to get access to high quality international education.

The IB Diploma Scholarship is available for students seeking admission into Year 12, who are highly meritorious but who may have financial constraints. The Board of Governors at Hanova is committed to sponsor the education of three meritorious students for the Diploma programmes (Years 12 & 13) who are outstanding in their overall (academic and co-curricular) performance and would like to study at Hanova, but who may have constraints of financial resources. This scholarship scheme is available to current Hanova students in Year 11 and applicants new to the school. For more information, please contact our IB Diploma Coordinator, Mr. Muntzer ( ).

DP CAS Excursion. A short article on the DP CAS Excursion experience (by Kai Trull, Year 12).

On the weekend of Friday the 13th, the Year 12 and 13 classes went on a trip up to HuaShan. On Friday night we slept in tents and cooked our own dinner. For many of us, this was the first time we had to plan and prepare a meal by ourselves. The next day we took a cable car up the mountain. Before you say: “That means you didn’t climb the mountain, right?”, we still had to hike for 6 hours before we finally got to our hotel. Saturday night was filled with fun games and activities organized by students. On Sunday we took the cable car down the mountain, got on a bus, and slept. It was very tiring, but we all came out of it with new experiences.

PYP News. This week Year 2 classes interviewed various members of our Hanova team about their role in the school, as part of their second Unit of Inquiry: Roles and Communities, including our PYP Administrator and MYP Coordinator.

Year 1 class went for their autumn walk to explore the impact of the change in the seasons as part of their Unit of Inquiry: Where We Are in Time and Place, and they were fascinated by the colours and shapes of the leaves.

Primary Halloween Parade. This Friday our Primary students, supported by our school teachers and staff, staged a wonderful Halloween Parade walking around the school dressed in colorful costumes.

Primary Football Match. Our Primary football team started their season full of excitement and commitment. The team also has new players, who are bringing a lot of energy into the practices. Last Friday 20th at 3pm the team played their first friendly game against the Primary Football Club of Bodi School. It was a well fought game during the first half, where both teams scored a goal. In the second half Hanova played better and was more consistent in defense to finally win. The final score was 7-1.

Congratulations to Mr. Brown, the team coach. Many thanks to all parents, students and staff who cheered our team to victory. Thanks also to Mr. Lynn and Mr. Chao for helping set up the game and organizing the logistics.

Primary Art Exhibition. PYP Arts is going to be hosting two separate art exhibitions in the school reception area, starting on Monday 30th October and ending on Friday 10th November.

One exhibition will consist of the paintings that Year 5a students did of ancient civilisations, for their assembly presentation.

The other exhibition is going to be of all the student artworks that where selected to take part in “The Greener Future” Art competition, which is being hosted by the LITTLE STAR magazine.

Secondary Basketball Match. This Friday 27th at 4pm our Secondary basketball squad is playing a friendly match against XHIS at the Provincial Training Base of Shaanxi (Olympic Area, No. 303 Zhang Ba Dong Lu Rd, Yanta District, Xi’an). Parents, students and staff are welcome to watch and cheer our Heroes team.


Francesco Masetti-Placci


Upcoming Events

Please take note of these dates, while we will soon inform about any additional events and activities that will take place in the following weeks:

Friday 27th October                   Secondary Basketball Match – Provincial Training Base Shaanxi

Friday 3rd November                 International Day

Friday, 17th November               Staff Professional Development – No school for students

Saturday, 9nd December            Christmas Market

Friday, 15th December               Last day of first semester

About the Author

Francesco Masetti-Placci

Former School Principal

Dr. Masetti-Placci was a former school Principal of Xi'an Hanova International School from 2015-2018. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of Bologna and a Master in Information Technology from Polytechnic of Milan, with studies also in France (University of Rennes) and the USA (Washington University). Before joining Hanova, he previously has taught in secondary schools and universities in Italy, France, USA and China.

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