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International Day 2012

We had our first planned community event of International Day on Wednesday. It was lovely to have so many parents join in with our activities.  The students were in mixed age groups and spent much of the day visiting 8 “countries” and learning a little about those countries’ cultures through sport, dance, art and other activities.  The care shown by the older students towards the younger ones and the fun everyone had were great.  The day had started with an assembly, which included songs, dance and presentations from each year group.  There was also a mini show of students, staff and parents in clothes representing their own country from the 13 countries represented. Perhaps the highlight of the day, certainly for many adults, was the sharing of the food so generously brought in by the parents, staff and community.  Thanks to those that sent in food, came in costume or just were able to attend – without you such an event would not have been so good. 

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