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The Principal's Newsletter

Rotaract Global Model United Nations 2018

By Francesco Masetti-Placci

Dear Parents and friends,

Next Month will start with the Labor Day holiday, which originated in Europe in 1891 as a day of remembrance. It was introduced into China in 1918 and shortly after the establishment of the People’s Republic of China, Labor Day was designated a national holiday on every 1st May.

Primary News. This Friday 27th we hosted a “Recycled Fashion Show” in the Auditorium, where PYP students showed their apparel and accessories created with recycled material. We offer special thanks to all PYP teachers and especially to Ms. Wombles and and Mr. Trull for this wonderful initiative. The students participated with enthusiasm, and a full report of the show will come next week, together with the photo gallery on our school web site.

In parallel, Year 3 class students have investigated explorers and their impact on our world for their UOI5. They looked at the life of famous Chinese explorers, recreated the Silk Road and did an amazing job on oral presentations – biographies of a chosen explorer.

Primary Sports Day 2018. Congratulations to all the students on a wonderful performance and a big thank you to all the PE and homeroom teachers and their assistants for the great effort. The most pleasing aspect of the day was the enthusiasm displayed by all students and the effort they put in to do their best in all activities for their house and team.

There were many outstanding performances throughout the day but our PE Teachers would particularly like to mention the following:

  • Reception: Our youngest students were great, handling very well being part of the program with the Lower Primary kids. Their enthusiasm and willingness to do their best with the bigger kids constantly brought a smile to all people present– well done Reception students.
  • Lower Primary Tang Team (Yellow): Winners of the Lower Primary house competition. This was a great team effort, as they scored the most points of any house team on the day and where particularly impressive in the team activities.
  • Upper Primary Qin Team (Blue): Winners of the Upper Primary house competition. They were impressive in all areas and activities, and this was a great team effort.
  • Song House (Green): Overall winners of the PYP House Competition on Sports Day 2018. They finished second in both the Lower and Upper Primary competitions, and were the worthy winners overall – Well done Song!

Finally, a grateful thank you from all students and staff to our HPTA parents for their assistance with snacks, drinks and additional supervision.

Secondary News. This Friday 27th we hosted the Year 11 Personal Project Exhibition in the Auditorium. In the morning they received visits from Year 5 and 6 students who examined each exhibit after a brief introduction from Mrs. Trull. In the afternoon, parents, staff and other MYP students joined to enjoy a detailed presentation from each Year 11 student about their project. For more information please contact our MYP Coordinator, Mrs. Trull ( ).

IB Diploma Examinations 2018. Our Year 13 students will be sitting their IB Diploma examinations starting next week, April 30th, until May 18th. They have all received the examination schedule and individual exam schedules. They should be in school by 8.45am or 1.15pm for afternoon examinations. We wish them all the best.

The IB Diploma students will be graduating from Hanova on Friday, 25th May.

The Year 12 end of year examinations will take place between May 21st to May 24th.

Rotaract Global Model United Nations 2018. Our students attended the Rotaract Global MUN Special Edition 2018, which was held in New Delhi from 20th-22nd April 2018. The theme for the conference was “’Sustainable Development Goals: Fostering a Brighter Future”.

RGMUN is a student-led event hosted by Rotaract Club of DTU in India and Kaunas Fortress in Lithuania, held once a year in different parts of the world. Rotary and United Nations have a long history of working together and sharing similar visions for a more peaceful world.

Rotaract Global Model United Nations 2018 aims to build a global youth decision-making body that is able to respond to a wide range of problems that our planet is facing today. It also brings their voice on the desk of the United Nations – Rotary International, World Peace Forum & Toronto World Leadership Forum. Last but not the list it aims to build a future that the new generation wants – a more just and more peaceful all around the world. The guest and speakers for the event were from various background like Maxton (Youth Co-Chair, Intergeneration Dialogues on SDGs, UN DPI/NGO) the incoming President for Rotary e-club of Global Peace and Leadership; Nabila, the programme officer of UN; Deepak Vohra, the special advisor to PM of Lesotho & Guinea-Bissau; Sourav Kothari, a Arjuna awardee world no 2 Asian Billards Champion, Shastri Ramachandran, renowned journalist, writer and international publication consultant and Ravi Chaudhary, the governor of 3011 circle.

During the gala dinner our students presented a project named “A layer cake project”, which was based on the theme – sustainable development goals. It was appreciated not only by the delegates but also by the guest of honour – Maxton R. Scotland. He was so impressed that he decided to present this project on UN table of discussion.

Thanks again for your continuing support.


Francesco Masetti-Placci


Upcoming Events

Please note these upcoming dates for events and activities that will take place in the following weeks:

Monday, 30th April                            IB Diploma Exams start

Monday 30th April                             Labor Day Holiday – School closes

Wednesday 2nd May                         School reopens

Thursday 10th – Friday 11th May      PYP Year 6 Exhibition

Friday 18th May                                PYP Student Led Conference

Friday 18th May                                IB Diploma Exams finish

Friday 25th May                                Diploma Graduation

About the Author

Francesco Masetti-Placci

Former School Principal

Dr. Masetti-Placci was a former school Principal of Xi'an Hanova International School from 2015-2018. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of Bologna and a Master in Information Technology from Polytechnic of Milan, with studies also in France (University of Rennes) and the USA (Washington University). Before joining Hanova, he previously has taught in secondary schools and universities in Italy, France, USA and China.

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