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Hanova ‘Ground-Breaking’ Ceremony of the New Campus in Chan Ba

By Mr Robert Muntzer

Dear Parents and friends

The most significant news from last week was the official ‘ground-breaking’ ceremony of the new school in Chan Ba Ecological Zone. Following local practices and cultural observations, the ceremony began at precisely 10.35am. Attending this special event were representatives from local and regional government, members of the school Board, school management, founding staff members and two of our 2018 Graduating Class. Here are some extracts of the speech that marked this auspicious event.

“I would also like to thank the school Board for their continuing support for the school.

And I would like to acknowledge those local and regional government officials who have been involved in this venture and who have enabled this great day to take place.

Behind every great school are great parents and children. Although not here today, I would like to acknowledge their continuing support for Hanova – and it is with pride that I can say that our students really should be recognized for being such diligent, hard-working and socially responsible young people of the future.

And behind all great students, you have great teachers. Again, I can say with pride that we have some of the best teachers I have worked with in almost 30 years of international school education.

So, to all of you present here today and to those here in spirit, I would like thank you again and please join me in looking forward to our bright future at Hanova.”

Back to school business. We are still trying to resolve the school gate issue. However, we have received some concerns that parents and staff are parking their cars in front of the Bodi gate.

This has meant that some parents cannot drop their children off safely because there is insufficient space.

I appreciate that this is an unsatisfactory situation but would ask you all to enable parking and/or drop off for parents as best we can.

News from Secondary School. In the Secondary School this week we started the football academy and next week the basketball academy will commence.  It was good to see so many students attending the football this week.  A reminder that it is the responsibility of the parents to ensure that their student is able to return home at the finish of the academy.

This week we also had the selection for the first semester of ECAs which occur last period on Wednesday.  There is a wonderful and exciting array of clubs being offered and the staff at the school have shown great enthusiasm for these clubs.  The clubs start next Wednesday and I am sure that all student will be appreciative of the staff’s effort in these activities.

Most of our students have settled into the new school year well.  I would ask you to ensure that your child comes prepared for school with the correct equipment.  Students need their laptop which is fully charged and the correct pens and pencils as well as their school books.  It would be good if parents were able to ensure that this happens.

Next week the Year 12 and 13 students are going to Beijing as part of their CAS experience.  I am sure they will have a great trip and we wish them a safe and pleasant journey.

News from Primary School. Y6’s Field Trip to the Mosque and Temple (By Iris Lee 6b)

On September 4th, which was a Tuesday, Y6 went on a field trip to the QinglongSi Temple and Grand Mosque to learn more about culture, beliefs and values. Some of our parents went together to help us.

We took a school bus to get to the Metro. Inside the bus I thought it would take a long time, but it didn’t take too long to get to the Metro, so I was surprised! Then we took the Metro to the Muslim Quarter and inside the Metro, the girls squeezed for a man to sit down. We were all very proud of ourselves.

After we arrived at the Muslim Quarter we had some snacks and then we went through the Muslim Quarter to get to the Grand Mosque. At the Mosque, I saw many old buildings.  It was beautiful! There were some stone carvings, garden and prayer halls. At the prayer hall there were carpets for sitting down and praying. We took many photos from there.

Then we went shopping. I bought a flower bracelet with the girls. It was very pretty and we all liked it. Then outside of the Muslim Quarter, we bought water and drinks because it was very hot!

We took the Metro again, and went to the temple. Inside the Metro was very crowded so we couldn’t sit down. After we arrived, we walked a little way to the QinglongSi Temple and ate lunch near the temple.  Everyone liked this time because we were all very tired. It was very sunny so we put our umbrellas on the bench like parasols so that we could eat lunch with shadows!

Then we went to see the Temple! At the entrance there were many trees with red ribbons on them.  Ms. Ruth said people write their wishes on it. I thought it is like an angel tree because people write their wishes on them because they believe the tree will make their wishes come true!

I also saw a money Buddha! His ears were big and on his hand, there was money and a candy. I thought he was a rich man! In the temple there was a monk. I said “Hello” to him and went in front of the Buddha. That was very interesting. Then we took the Metro and school bus to get to the school.

In this field trip, I learned some rules about how to behave and show respect at the temple. The first rule I learned was when we go inside to pray, we need to take off our shoes and hats. Next is in the temple, we need to whisper because it’s a very precious and peaceful place.

This field trip was tiring but very interesting!

Thanks again for your continuing support.

Best regards,

Robert Muntzer


Upcoming Events

Please take note of these dates, while we will soon inform about any additional events and activities that will take place in the following weeks:

Thursday 13th to Sunday, 16th September         DP CAS Excursion

Friday & Saturday, 14th and 15th September     Staff PD Days

Monday, 24th September                                    Mid-Autumn Holiday

1st to 5th October                                                National Day Holidays

About our Head of School

Mr Robert Muntzer

School Principal

Mr Muntzer is the current School Principal of Hanova. He is highly experienced International Baccalaureate (IB) educator who has worked at Hanova as Deputy Principal, and Secondary IB Diploma Coordinator. His former posts include DP Coordinator in Dulwich College Shanghai, founding Director of Studies and IB Coordinator at Repton School Dubai along with Head of English and Head of Languages at schools in Thailand, Ethiopia, Zambia, India and Vietnam. He holds a Bachelor Degree in English from University of Warwick (UK). He has two children both educated in IB World School International schools

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