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PYP “Eco Warriors” club

Written by Emma Tidmarsh

Part of our curriculum at Hanova is extra curricular activities (ECAs). This semester, teachers chose to run a specialised club designed to complement to an area of interest within the curriculum. This year we have a new PYP club: The ECO Warriors. Students from Reception to Year 6 who were keen to learn about our environment and keeping our planet clean accepted this challenge and will be initiating reminders to turn off classroom lights, keep the windows closed when heating and air conditioning is on and giving updates on how to do this in School Assemblies. The ECO Warriors will monitor this within the school. A winning class will be chosen each month to receive an ECO Warrior trophy with full bragging rights. The students have been learning about where rubbish/litter goes when it is NOT put into a bin. During club time, we set ourselves a challenge and put into Action having only 10 minutes to collect as much rubbish as we could along the side road of our school.

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