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hanova's school newsletter

Healthy Growth in Sports Participation

Dear Parents and friends

Healthy Growth in Sports Participation - written by Mr Paul Robinson, Director of Sports.

The Xi’an International Athletic Conference (XIAC) season is already in full swing and it promises to be an exciting year ahead for the Hanova Hawks as we continue to grow our sports team programmes.

The PYP football season is already underway and we have been able to field 2 teams in the U11 boys category, develop our first ever all girls U11 team and have an increased number of participants in the U8 category. We have regular games right up to the ChanBa Trophy tournament with XIS, XLIS and Dehong closes the PYP football season on Saturday October 29th (hosted by Hanova).

A new activity for this academic year is Cross-Country running and it has been great to see regular attendance at practices of around 25 students from Year 4 right through to Year 13. We are hoping that the event being hosted by Dehong International School will go ahead on October 15th.

We have also seen excellent growth with our basketball teams in secondary school. The girls team has grown from 9 participants last year to 15 attending practices at this present time. We also have seen a growth in Middle School basketball, which will feed into the High School basketball team in the future. Our boys and girls middle school teams have been invited to participate in the Lingtiajian Jam event on November 5th hosted by XLIS.

One of the big successes so far has been the ongoing Hanova Table Tennis Open, which has seen over 50 participants take part from Year 4 right through to some of the Hanova school staff (both teaching and admin). The atmosphere around this competition has been fantastic to witness. The outcome from these competitions will help us decide on a team to take part in the XIS sponsored table tennis tournament.

We are also at the request of some of our students are developing a Hanova Hawks cheerleading team, which we hope will offer support to our Hawks teams at events in the longer term.

These activities could not take place without a dedicated PHE team and I would like to thank them for their commitment to creating sporting opportunities for our students. Additionally, we have been given invaluable support in U8 football from Mr. Harris, girls football from Ms Colling and in boys basketball Mr. Gurbuz.

As you can see, the sporting future at Hanova is in exceptionally good shape as we look to create a sporting culture at the school and as always we would like to thank students and parents for their support and efforts. We look forward to sharing the successes of all of our teams in future newsletters.

Upcoming Event: Theory of Knowledge (TOK) Exhibition - Year 13 - written by Mr John McGovern, TOK Coordinator.

Theory of Knowledge (TOK) Exhibition - Year 13

Thursday 29th September, 10:45-11:45am, Secondary School 3rd Floor

I would like to invite parents of the Hanova community to visit the Year 13's TOK Exhibition. The exhibition is themed around the question "how does TOK manifest in the world around us?" Students will be critically exploring their knowledge and their role as a knower by exhibiting three objects linked to a chosen prompt.

TOK is one of the three core component parts of the IB Diploma Programme, and is maybe the least understood amongst potential DP students and parents. Hopefully this exhibition will be an insight into what TOK is, as we work on making TOK more visible throughout the secondary school.

Whether you are the parent of a Year 13 student or any other year group, you are welcome to come and support our DP2 students as well as finding out more about TOK at Hanova.

Former Head of School

Mr James McCrory

Former Head of School

Mr James McCrory was Hanova's Head of School for the 2022-23 school year. James graduated from Demontfort University in 1988 and worked in the commercial Design sector in Ireland, UK and Spain. He has worked in education since 1994 after completing his PGCE at Goldsmith’s College, London. The last 30 years in education includes 4 years in the UK, with the remaining years working divided between Spain, Japan and Kuwait, as well as leading schools in China over the last decade.

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