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The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award at Hanova

Dear Parents and friends

The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award - written by Ms Jane Lei, University & Careers CounselorThe Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award is a global framework for non-formal education, which challenges young people aged 14-24 to dream big, celebrate their achievements and make a difference in their world.

Since its launch in 1956 the Award has inspired millions of young people to transform their lives. Participants design their own goals and record their own progess. By creating opportunities for young people to develop skills, get physical active, give service and experience adventure, the Award can play a critical role in their development outside the classroom.

The Award helps to inspire, change and improve individuals, communities and societies around the world. Young people who take part in the Award become more confident and resilient, and develop skills such as communication, problem solving and leadership. This in-turn impacts their communities, that see improvements in areas including employability, health and well-being, and educational success.

The Award Delivery at Xi'an Hanova International School.  Xi’an Hanova International School is one of the award centers for the Duke of Edinburgh International Award. Since 2017, we had several students in MYP and DP complete both silver and bronze awards. Over the summer break in June and July last academic year and the first Saturday of September (September 3rd) this academic year, about 30 students ranging from MYP Year 11 to DP Year 13 participated in both a practice journey and an adventurous journey.

Students organized and planned the trip route by themselves, exploring the scenery views in the parks and history sites such as museums and tourist attractions. They discovered the culture and history of Xi’an, and spent the whole day walking and biking within the city.

Even though the summer in Xi’an is extremely hot this year, all the students who participated were able to complete the adventurous journey and get through the challenge. Students demonstrated IB Learner Profiles such as caring, risk-takers and communicators throughout the trip. Well done, everyone!

Group 1: Ashley, Amelia, Jay and Robin

Group 2: Albert, James, Jay and Jessica

Group 3: Angela, Alice, Billy Lee, Billy Cho

Group 4: Alicia, Ellie, Grace, Jenny, Lily, Lily Yun, Mina

Group 5: Ann, Tony, Mya, Neil, Will

Group 6: Drake, Faith, Samantha, Steven, Yulia

For inquiries and information about the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award, please reach our Award Leader Sam Quan: for detailed information.

Former Head of School

Mr James McCrory

Former Head of School

Mr James McCrory was Hanova's Head of School for the 2022-23 school year. James graduated from Demontfort University in 1988 and worked in the commercial Design sector in Ireland, UK and Spain. He has worked in education since 1994 after completing his PGCE at Goldsmith’s College, London. The last 30 years in education includes 4 years in the UK, with the remaining years working divided between Spain, Japan and Kuwait, as well as leading schools in China over the last decade.

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