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The Principal's Newsletter

Hanova hosts to UK Universities this week

By Mr Martin Hughes

Dear Parents and

International Baccalaureate Research Project. Hanova has been invited to take part in an Educational research project commissioned by the International Baccalaureate on “Teaching the Theory of Knowledge in IB World Schools”.  The purpose of the study is to investigate teacher views of TOK and to document school implementation practices to inform the ongoing development of the Theory of Knowledge course.  The project is an exciting one that will provide valuable insights into the TOK.  The research is being undertaken by highly regarded researchers from the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, USA.

We feel honoured to be invited onto this research programme especially as we are so new as an IB World School.  The IB Report on the School made many commendations of Hanova and its staff, including,  “The school and teaching staff have made significant efforts to ensure that TOK is understood and integrated in all subjects. The in-school TOK training that has taken place has been crucial in this respect.”  This commendation may have triggered this research request. The researchers are keenly aware of the importance of working collaboratively with schools and participation requires a minimal amount of time.

University Visits. We were very pleased to welcome two UK Universities – York and Aberdeen – to our school this week.  They brought along top quality academic staff as well as members of their admission teams. They were able to give our students, from Y9 upwards, real insights into what life is like in University.  Importantly this included information on the courses now available including the level of academic rigour and the career potential for different courses.  Universities offer such a huge range of courses in response to the technological changes continuing to happen and even accelerate.  They also gave information on the academic entry requirements, with both being keen on IB Diploma students, and scholarships and costs.  We have the University of New Mexico from USA coming next week.  There will be further opportunities that our University and Careers Counsellor Sharon Zhu is working hard to arrange.  Parents are most welcome to come along and can gradually build real knowledge that will assist in making informed decisions along with their children that will have a big impact on their future.

University of Aberdeen offers an attractive scholarship if you are an international student who is taking their four year programme - you can apply for a scholarship which waives the tuition for the 4th year. Furthermore, students achieving between 30 and 37 Diploma points may qualify for a year's scholarship - even for courses in Medicine.

University of York provides a “sandwich” programme.  Students can choose to spend four years studying with the last year gaining a master degree. Another piece of information we learned was that if students take the IB DP English A (No matter it is HL or SL), the entrance requirements for IELTS can be waived. Moreover, IB Diploma graduates gaining 36 Diploma points may apply for scholarships that discount tuition fees by 25%.

International Day. You should have received a letter by the end of this week about the forthcoming International Day.  We hope you are able to contribute to this memorable occasion by helping with the International lunch as well as possibly attending for some of the day. There are activities to join in in the morning if parents wish and later separate assemblies for PYP and MYP/DP focused on Internationalism.

School Calendar for 2015-16. The School Calendar for 2015-16 is being finalised and we hope to be able to send that to you next week.

Best regards,

Martin Hughes


Forthcoming events                

Monday, 23rd and        Trevor Kew, Canadian author visit to Hanova

Tuesday, 24th

Friday, 27th                    University of New Mexico Admissions 1pm


Wednesday, 1st             International Day

Thursday, 2nd   Last student day before Qing Ming Spring break

Friday, 3rd                       Professional Development Day for Teachers

Monday, 13th                First student day after holiday

About the Author

Martin Hughes

Former School Principal

Mr Martin Hughes was the founding Principal of Hanova from 2012-15. Prior to his time at Hanova, he already had 23 years of experience as Principal in the UK and China at five different schools - including posts at Wuxi EtonHouse and EtonHouse's flagship Suzhou school. During his time as founding Principal at Hanova, he helped support the initial IB Diploma Programme authorisation (2014) and used his educational vision to help plant our then brand new school on a firm foundation. Under his leadership, Hanova's motto emerged, "Enabling children to become independent, creative and lifelong learners!"

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