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hanova's school newsletter

PYP ChanBa Trophy Football Festival 2022

Dear Parents and friends

PYP ChanBa Trophy Football Festival 2022 - written by Mr Paul Robinson, Director of Sports. Saturday 29th October saw Hanova host the inaugural Chan Ba Trophy football festival. There were 3 competitive divisions, with U8, U11 girls and U11 boy’s categories. As well as the Hanova Hawks teams we welcomed teams from XLIS and XIS.

It was a fantastic day of PYP football, helped by the success of our charity sausage sizzle that raised 2100RMB played out to an excellent atmosphere amongst parents and participants from all schools.

On the pitch our Hawks played with tenacity and commitment against strong opposition and we eventually made runners-up spots in U8 and U11 Girls sections with a 3rd place finish in the U11 Boys. All-star team nominations were Alex and Patrick (U8), Sally and Ruby (U11 Girls) and Kevin, Jacob, Max and Bruce (U11 Boys).

A huge thank you to everybody who supported the event from the admin department right through to the coaches (Mr Sam, Mr Dušan, Mr Harris, Mr Robinson, Ms Colling) who have worked so hard in preparing our players for competition and the parents for their unwavering support throughout the PYP football season. A special mention also to Akemi, Elijah, Will, Edán and Neil for helping to officiate matches throughout the tournament.

Secondary Hanova "Reading Month" in November! - written by Ms Lydia Song, Secondary Librarian.  It’s “Reading Month!” The month of November 2022 is Hanova’s MYP & DP Reading month. We are celebrating this month to motivate the Hanova community, students and teachers, to read with the Ms Lydia Song, Secondary Librarian aims of enjoying our favorite books and learning to become lifelong readers!

Each week of November, our student Houses (Qin, Han, Tang & Song) will compete in a reading contest and the Secondary library will update their reading progress and publish the number of pages read.

Former Head of School

Mr James McCrory

Former Head of School

Mr James McCrory was Hanova's Head of School for the 2022-23 school year. James graduated from Demontfort University in 1988 and worked in the commercial Design sector in Ireland, UK and Spain. He has worked in education since 1994 after completing his PGCE at Goldsmith’s College, London. The last 30 years in education includes 4 years in the UK, with the remaining years working divided between Spain, Japan and Kuwait, as well as leading schools in China over the last decade.

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