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Hanova Community Cup Football 2023

Written by Mr Paul Robinson, Director of Sports

On Saturday 20th May we had the pleasure of hosting a team of parents to join our staff and U19 footballers for the first ever Hanova Community Cup competition. Despite the “competitive” edge the idea was to create an environment where fun and enjoyment were the main parts of the day.

Playing in very warm, sunny conditions (unlike the ChanBa Trophy tournaments previously), the parents edged out the U19 team in a very tight game, which was followed by the staff scoring an impressive comeback victory against the U19 team. In the final game the parents team played an extremely well controlled game to defeat the staff team and become the first ever Hanova Community Cup Football champions.

All 3 teams showed their qualities on the field and it gave an opportunity for our U19 team to experience “adults football” which is what they will likely be playing when they move on from Hanova to university and beyond. This event showed how sport can bring the community together, with excellent support on the sidelines also. Thank you to the U19 students, staff team members, the parents team members and those who simply came to watch and support the competition, as everybody contributed to what was an excellent atmosphere between all involved.

Congratulations again to the Hanova Parents Team!!

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