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hanova's school newsletter

Honoring our Graduating Class of 2023!

Dear Parents and friends

Honoring our Graduating Class of 2023 - written by Ms Sharon Zhu. We had the wonderful opportunity to celebrate the Commencement of 2023 on Friday, 26th May. The afternoon ceremony was truly one to remember, as it was filled with an abundance of joy, waves of laughter, and even a few happy tears. When it came time for the graduates to express their gratitude towards their beloved teachers, parents, and school, it was a deeply moving moment that stirred emotions in nearly everyone present.

As evening approached, we continued our festivities on the balcony of the secondary building, despite the drizzle and mist that added a touch of drama to the atmosphere. The music that played was truly fitting for such a celebratory occasion, and the performances from our talented MYP students only served to further enhance the party.

We are incredibly proud of the hard work that the class of 2023 put forth leading up to this momentous day. Some have already completed their university applications, and we are thrilled to announce that they have been accepted into some of the most prestigious universities around the world, including:

China (Hong Kong)

  • Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

 United States:

  • Cornell University
  • University of Southern California (USC)
  • University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
  • University of California, San Diego (UCSD)
  • University of California, Irvine (UCI)
  • Tulane University (scholarship - $6,000 per year,$24,000 for four years)
  • Penn State University, Park campus (Main campus)
  • Boston University
  • University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Fordham University (scholarship - $12,500 per year, $50,000 for four years)
  • University of Washington
  • University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)


  • University of Melbourne
  • Sydney University

Republic of Korea:

  • Korea University
  • Hanyang University

While some of our students have already completed their university applications and received acceptance letters, many others are still in the process of applying to universities in their home country. We eagerly anticipate hearing positive news from them in the near future.

In the meantime, it gives me great pleasure to extend my heartfelt congratulations to the class of 2023. Your remarkable achievements are a testament to your hard work and dedication, but credit must also be given to our exceptional teachers and supportive parents who have played an instrumental role in your success. Thank you for making us proud, and we wish you all the best in your future endeavors.


Year 3a Students bring stories to life - written by Ms Emma Colling. In Y3a, our stories unit reached an exciting culmination as the students presented a collection of remarkable fiction stories they had written and illustrated. The highlight of this unit was the eagerly anticipated book launch, where 3a warmly welcomed their parents. This event marked a wonderful end to the unit and left the audience captivated by the young authors' exceptional storytelling abilities.

To enhance their storytelling experience, each student meticulously crafted puppets and props that brought their stories to life. These creative elements were proudly displayed in the library, adding visual appeal and creativity to the event. In the cozy setting of the library, students had the joy of sitting together with their parents, sharing their Storybook and even exploring the stories created by their peers. It was a heartwarming experience that fostered a sense of togetherness and pride among the young authors and their families.

2022-23 Survey Analysis -Parent - written by Ms Sharon Zhu, DP Coordinator.  The results of our recent parent survey conducted in April 2023 have provided us valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of our school's approach towards teaching, learning, the implementation of three IB Programmes. One notable highlight from the survey is that the number of parents who understand the IB learner profile has increased to 62.5%, indicating that the school is making progress in promoting this concept among its stakeholders. Furthermore, 71.9% of parents expressed their understanding of international mindedness, which shows that the school is doing a good job in promoting this important aspect of education.

Another key finding from the survey is that 67.7% of parents feel supported and encouraged by teachers at the school. This is an encouraging result as it shows that the school is creating a positive and supportive environment for its students and families.

The survey also asked parents about the impact of the IB learner profile on their child's education or approach towards learning. The majority of parents, 64%, believe that the IB learner profile has made a positive difference in this regard. Additionally, 64.5% of parents agreed that students are encouraged to think and ask questions at school, which is a crucial aspect of the IB approach towards learning.

Finally, language development was another area covered in the survey. A significant 68% of parents believe that the school provides opportunities for students to learn other languages, demonstrating the school's commitment to multilingualism. Moreover, 78% of parents believe that the school supports mother tongue, highlighting the importance of maintaining cultural and linguistic diversity within the school community.

Overall, the survey results provide useful feedback for us to continue working towards excellence in all areas here at Hanova, particularly in terms of student inclusion and promoting the IB learner profile. However, it is encouraging to see that our parents generally have a positive perception of our teaching and learning environment and that language development is considered an important aspect of education within the community.

We sincerely appreciate the valuable feedback and your continues support!

Fun in the Forest for Hanova ECAs - written by Mr Andrew Symonds, Year 4 Teacher.  Many of you will remember that we planted a forest at Hanova earlier this year as part of a Year 4 advertising unit. In fact, many of you generously contributed to the cause that we promised would provide us with a forest for outdoor activities for years to come.

Many of the trees have started to take root and are thriving in their new environment, so we got started with our first forest activity ECA with the early years this semester, while of course also enjoying the space with Year 4.

Forest based learning can be a child-centred inspirational learning process that offers opportunities for holistic growth through regular sessions. It is a long-term program that supports play, exploration and supported risk-taking. It develops confidence and self-esteem through learner-inspired, hands-on experiences in a natural setting.

Some of the benefits of attending a forest school include achieving personal and social development, learning about the natural environment, learning problem-solving skills, building positive relationships, improving communication skills, encouraging emotional wellbeing, improving the capacity of learning, encouraging children to have a positive impact on the environment and to respect and care for the natural world. Children who spend a lot of time outdoors generally feel happier, less stressed and more emotionally regulated. Forest and outdoor activities can also help children improve their coordination and spacial awareness and their ability to run on uneven ground. In addition, the forest activity ECA is a great way to engage children in nature.

PYP House Competition 2022-23 results are in! - written by Mr Andrew Symonds, Year 4 Teacher.  Thank you to all of our captains and all students for everything you have done to make House a success this year. We really have had a fun year.

The results for the PYP House Competition, 2022-2023, are:

  • Tang - 402 points
  • Han - 338 points
  • Qin - 312 points
  • Song - 247 points

Congratulations to this year’s PYP House Winners - Tang!

Former Head of School

Mr James McCrory

Former Head of School

Mr James McCrory was Hanova's Head of School for the 2022-23 school year. James graduated from Demontfort University in 1988 and worked in the commercial Design sector in Ireland, UK and Spain. He has worked in education since 1994 after completing his PGCE at Goldsmith’s College, London. The last 30 years in education includes 4 years in the UK, with the remaining years working divided between Spain, Japan and Kuwait, as well as leading schools in China over the last decade.

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