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hanova's school newsletter

Healthy, High-Quality Meals at Hanova

Dear Parents and friends

Healthy, High-Quality Meals at Hanova. Our world-leading food service provider is dedicated to providing students with high-quality, nutritious meals that support their academic performance and physical well-being. With a blend of cooking techniques combining age-appropriate modern and classic favorites, along with Asian and Western flavors, dishes reflect the particular demographics of our school community.

All our ingredients are delivered fresh on a daily basis, prepared and consumed on the day of arrival to ensure the best quality is always provided to our students and staff. Before entering the kitchen area, all ingredients are checked for quality and standard, and the receiving process is all registered on a daily basis. The menu is thoughtfully designed to fuel students' bodies and minds throughout the day. We prioritize healthy eating by offering plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins, ensuring that every meal is both tasty and nourishing.

We have extensive experience catering for those with special dietary needs, from small children to adolescents and adults. Our entire kitchen staff are trained on special dietary needs supported by our in-house nutritionists. Our French chef has rich experience in food preparation, cooking, and catering in various hotels, schools, and businesses, overseeing every detail of food service. To be sure, Hanova’s students and staff are in good hands for every meal!

Safety, Health, and Wellbeing at Hanova.  Hanova continues to take important strides to ensure the safety, health, and wellbeing of our school community. The first of five key priorities established last school year underscores our aim to “Create an increasingly balanced, safe, healthy, and inclusive environment where the wellbeing of all Hanova community members is at the forefront.” From child safeguarding and protection to promoting balanced lifestyles for our students and staff, Hanova is dedicated to creating a positive school environment.

To help ensure this, we have implemented numerous emergency procedures, including regular emergency drills and establishing a dedicated safety and emergency team. Additionally, we promote a healthy lifestyle through a balanced school meal plan, regular physical activities, and wellness initiatives that focus on mental and emotional health.

Whole School Fire Drill.  On September 3rd,  our entire campus conducted a fire/evacuation drill to ensure our students, teachers, and staff are familiar with important procedures in the case of a real emergency. Over the past few weeks, the Primary and Secondary each held separate drills as a lead up to yesterday’s drill. All students, teachers, and staff participated in what was a fast, orderly rehearsal of our procedures. We also learned ways we can make procedures even clearer, which will be incorporated into future fire/evacuation drills.

The recent whole-school fire/evacuation drill was a valuable exercise in ensuring the safety and preparedness of our school community. The drill went smoothly, with students, teachers and staff promptly evacuating the building and following procedures. This practice highlighted the importance of remaining calm and alert in emergencies, and it allowed us to identify areas for improvement for our emergency/evacuation procedures for our future fire/evacuation drills.

Sustainable Energy.  One of the hallmarks of Hanova is the quality-infused equipment and materials used to construct all aspects of the campus. For example, we make use of sustainable energy systems and a clean-air environment through a school-wide air filtration system. Check out our website for more about our unique campus facilities, including a write-up by one of our recently graduated Y6 students, Jacob Chen, whose keen interest in the use of technology to promote positive community environments led him to investigate more about Hanova’s sustainable energy practices.

Did You Know?!  In 2019, Hanova became the first WASC accredited school in Shaanxi province, highlighting our school’s dedication to high-quality learning for ALL students. WASC, based in California, accredits schools, colleges, and universities in the western United States and international schools around the world. In their work with international schools, the WASC school improvement process emphasizes ongoing practices and policies around child safeguarding and protection, something that has always been on our radar here at Hanova since opening our doors in 2012!

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About the School Principal

Mr Lucas J. Roberts

School Principal

Mr Lucas J. Roberts is the current School Principal at Hanova. Mr. Luke, as he prefers to be called, has served in international school education in China for the past 14 years in Wuxi, Shanghai, Suzhou and Beijing. He has served during those years as Secondary Principal, whole school Vice Principal, School Principal (K-7th grade), High School Principal and Primary School Principal. He graduated university with a B.A. in Interdisciplinary Studies and continued on to earn an M.Ed. in Educational Administration. He joined Hanova in the summer of 2023 and is currently working on completing his Ed.D in Educational Leadership through Wilkes University (USA).