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News from the School

The School Newsletter is the official news publication of Xi’an Hanova International School. Since Hanova began in 2012, our school has regularly communicated to the Hanova Community about what has been happening inside and outside the school classrooms.

June 27, 2013

Our first year concludes. What a first year for Hanova!  We have had a wonderful year.  We expected to start with 34 students but had 56 enrolments at the beginning of September.  This has grown steadily over the year to 82.  There have been so many rewarding, enriching and memorable times for all of us […]

June 20, 2013

Hanova Guiding Statement. Our guiding statement has been redefined.  Whenever we make decisions on the day to day running of the school we bear in mind this set of statements.  It defines who we are and what we are trying to achieve. Elsewhere on this website (/about-hanova/) you can find our school’s philosophy, aims and […]

June 13, 2013

School trips: Technology. The Y7-9 Technology class had a fantastic morning out under the sun of Xi’an selling their special recipe cookies for their chosen charity (Yellow River Soup Kitchen). The students started out for their trip last Tuesday heading to the city and finishing off at the Golden Eagle Mall in Gaoxin. When we […]

June 6, 2013

Student Led Conferences. Student Led Conferences (SLCs) will run on Thursday, 20th June.  Put the date in your diary and try to attend in support of your child’s learning. Your child will have spent a great deal of time and effort in preparing for this event in order to share with you reflections on their […]

May 30, 2013

New staff. We have been working hard to source the best teachers we can find to build on the first year of Hanova, as the school is growing faster than we anticipated.  I know the most important aspect to ensure high quality education is the best possible teachers.  Since January we have considered about 80 […]

May 23, 2013

Year 5 and 6 Educational Journeys. Throughout the last week and a half the Year 5 and 6 students have been exploring Xi’an with reference to the special resources that attract people to this part of China.  Last Thursday they visited Hua Qing Hot Springs and this week explored the Small Wild Goose Pagoda and […]

May 14, 2013

Spring Carnival. We would like to sincerely thank everyone in the Community for helping us to make Saturday, May 11th an historic day for Hanova School. The 1st Annual Spring Carnival would not have been a great success without all of you!  This celebration of fun, food, and entertainment started with games and activities planned […]

May 11, 2013

We would like to sincerely thank everyone in the Community for helping us to make Saturday, May 11th an historic day for Hanova School. The 1st Annual Spring Carnival would not have been a great success without all of you!  This celebration of fun, food, and entertainment started with games and activities planned and organised […]

May 9, 2013

Research at Hanova - Y11 Personal Project, Y13 Extended Essay and Y6 Exhibition. There is a common theme throughout our school of encouraging students to think for themselves and to investigate and research into aspects that may be of interest to them. This theme is one of the central ideas in being an International Baccalaureate […]

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