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News from the School

The School Newsletter is the official news publication of Xi’an Hanova International School. Since Hanova began in 2012, our school has regularly communicated to the Hanova Community about what has been happening inside and outside the school classrooms.


October 11, 2012

International Day. Next Wednesday (17th October) we will celebrate International Day.  The United Nations recognises this date as International Eradication of Poverty Day, when it is intended that the voices of the poor are heard.  As an International School we are celebrating the different nationalities and cultures that we have within our school community.  The […]


September 27, 2012

Students sharing work. Every week in assemblies students from a number of classes share their learning.  This develops their confidence in speaking to an audience and going up on stage.  It also helps us to share and celebrate the learning that is happening.  These assemblies have been one of the many highlights of our new […]


September 20, 2012

Curriculum Information Afternoon. It was very good to see most of our parents from Nursery to Year 4 at the curriculum information afternoon on Tuesday.  The parents heard information on how the classes were run and organised, and were able to ask questions.  We very much appreciated the positive support from parents.  The issue of […]


September 13, 2012

Dear Parents and Friends, We have now been running the school for nearly two weeks. We are very pleased with how things have settled in and how the students are working – all the pre planning has been most worthwhile and has paid dividends. Assemblies. It was a treat to see our Senior Years’ students […]


September 5, 2012

"What a fantastic first week it has been in the very new history of Hanova International.  It has been such an exciting time with the students settling in so quickly into routines that we are still trying to establish.  I found it hard to believe on that first Monday that the students would all be […]


September 5, 2012

First week ever! What a fantastic first week it has been in the very new history of Hanova International.  It has been such an exciting time with the students settling in so quickly into routines that we are still trying to establish.  I found it hard to believe on that first Monday that the students […]


August 15, 2012

After much planning, working and renovating, Hanova's Board has prepared Hanova's building and facilities to open its doors! The renovation project took place on the campus of Bodi school in Xi'an, China. Below, see photos of the campus "before" and "after" the renovation project: Photos of the campus before the building and renovating project The […]


April 5, 2012

On 5th April, 2012, Hanova's Board invited the very first members of the Hanova community to tour the buildings that would become Xi'an Hanova International School first campus. The day began with a wonderful lunch and a reminder of the school mission and vision! The group proceeded by bus to the Bodi School Campus to […]