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The Principal's Newsletter

Years 4-6 students participate in Duathlon and Triathlon

By Mr Martin Hughes

Dear Parents and

Halloween. Great fun was had by many in our Halloween event.  All the primary students toured the school in a parade to show off their style and how frightening they were.  Never have so many, witches, ghouls, monsters, pirates, princesses and many other characters been seen in the corridors of Hanova. It was good to see many parents coming to watch or even dress up, along with staff - a particularly scary couple of witches were spotted!  In the afternoon the primary year students played some games and shared a little to eat.

Duathlon/Triathlon Y4-6. Last Friday, 25th October our Year 4, 5 and 6 students donned their training shoes, P.E. clothes and helmets to participate in the Duathlon and Triathlon.  The year 4 students completed the Duathlon focusing on two events: running and bicycling.  The Year 5 and 6 students completed the running and cycling, and added the very difficult walking event to their repertoire.  The students had used their P.E. times to work on improving their performance and creating goals to try to achieve on the day.  The students were able to choose whether to focus on achieving their goals, without participating in the competition aspect, or to go for broke and try and win an event!  It was wonderful that students chose both options as they saw fit.  It was also great watching the events and seeing the students beaming as they came in with a new personal best. 

We wish to thank all the parents for the support you gave the students on the day.  We believe that your presence was a big part in the students achieving their goals.  It is another example of the community spirit that Hanova is built upon.


Xi’an City Wall Run. There is a team of about 30 students, staff and parents from Hanova running on the Xi’an City Wall on Saturday.  You’ll be able to spot them as they will all be wearing a white Hanova baseball cap.  Competitors are running, or walking, 5km, once round the wall (14km), with a few tough souls attempting a half marathon (23km).  You are welcome to come along to cheer people on, though will have to pay admission to the wall.  The races begin at 9am.

Uniform. All students should have received their tracksuit, top and bottom, this week.  These are intended primarily for PE, though the top can be worn at other times.

All students from Y3 upwards get changed for PE.  For hygiene and appearance reasons they should come to school in uniform and then change for PE – not come to school in PE kit.

The complete set of uniform is.

Boy Short Sleeve Polo Shirts-White 1 Girl Short Sleeve Polo Shirts -White 1
Short Sleeve Polo Shirts-Green 1 Short Sleeve Polo Shirts -Green 1
Long Sleeve Polo Shirts-Green 1 Long Sleeve Polo Shirts -Green 1
Trousers-Beige 2 Skort- Beige 2
Shorts-Beige 1  to come Trousers- Beige 1 to come
Formal Shirts- White 1 Formal Shirts- White 1
Track Suits- Blue 1 Track Suits- Blue 1
PE Short -Black 1 PE Short-Black 1


There is currently no outside coat or warm top, so please send your child in suitable clothing.  We want all the students to be comfortable to focus on their work and take part in an active day.  Where possible we would prefer this to be plain and in school colours.

You can order additional items of uniform from school.  Please check stock and prices with May Liu (

Best regards,

Martin Hughes


Forthcoming events

Thursday, 31st                             Halloween for Primary students

Thursday, 31st                             Parent volunteer group at 4pm – Christmas Wizard of Oz


Saturday, 2nd                               Xi’an City Wall Run

Saturday, 2nd                               Saturday Sports

Friday, 15th Saturday, 16th        IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) training for staff. School closed to students

Wednesday, 20th                        School reopens to students

About the Author

Martin Hughes

Former School Principal

Mr Martin Hughes was the founding Principal of Hanova from 2012-15. Prior to his time at Hanova, he already had 23 years of experience as Principal in the UK and China at five different schools - including posts at Wuxi EtonHouse and EtonHouse's flagship Suzhou school. During his time as founding Principal at Hanova, he helped support the initial IB Diploma Programme authorisation (2014) and used his educational vision to help plant our then brand new school on a firm foundation. Under his leadership, Hanova's motto emerged, "Enabling children to become independent, creative and lifelong learners!"

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