Lunches. We are very pleased to announce that the Shangri-la will be supplying our lunches at school. As with all suppliers, we have discussed with them the details of ensuring the supply of high quality products and keeping the food in good condition during transportation and serving. All of these processes are being overseen by the hotel staff. We hope you like the menus that have been designed by the hotel’s chef after discussion with our staff. We have been able to focus much more on the nutritional value and balance of the meal.
Of course, in being able to increase the quality of the service there inevitably has had to be a rise in price for each meal. The meals will be served up on pottery crockery and with metal cutlery. Portion sizes are able to be different according to the needs of the individual child. We have therefore introduced a lower charge for the primary students to reflect the likely differences in quantity.
The decision to look for a higher quality, even though more expensive option, has been made in response to the views of parents generally and as expressed in the last Parent School Association (PSA) meeting.
We feel fortunate to have such a prestigious organisation providing this service. Lunches need to be ordered as per the letter and menu you should have received on 15th October for the next two weeks. After these trial two weeks we intend to streamline the ordering process to monthly. Of course, if you do not wish to take up the option of the school lunches your child may continue to bring their own lunch either frequently or occasionally.
Class visit. Year 2 had a really successful trip to the West Tang Market Mall, followed by a whistle-stop tour at the Tang Paradise. This visit enabled the children to further investigate their unit of inquiry and look at how jobs and community have changed since the Tang Dynasty. Year 2 were really inspired by the West Tang museum, and enjoyed the grandeur of the Tang Paradise. The children were very excited and have been inspired to come back to the classroom and complete their summative assessment. This has been a really valuable, hands-on learning experience. Thanks again to all the parents who accompanied the trip.
Duathlon. Students from Y1 to Y6 have been working in PE classes on two main events. They have been working on setting personal goals in running and slow cycling. Next week there are a series of events where students will compete to beat their personal best or be in competition with others. Students in Y5 and Y6 have also been working on speed walking so have three events to complete. Parents are welcome to come along and watch their children in their event.
22nd October 12:40 - 13:20 Y3
23rd October 13:20 – 14:00 Y1
23rd October 14:15 – 14:55 Y2
25th October 12:40 – 15:20 Y4 Y5 Y6
The Y4 – Y6 events will still take place if it is raining.
Y7 to Y13 will continue to focus on their broad and balanced curriculum.
Parent Consultations. These three and two way consultations took place on Wednesday 16th and Thursday 17th October. We hope you were able to make it and heard how your child is progressing and what the next steps are for them. If you missed out on the chance or had further questions to ask, please do not hesitate to contact us if you have not already made arrangements.
Staffing. Welcome this week to Ms Krystal Wong. Ms Wong is from USA and has worked in diverse areas such as legal adviser, director of the immigration centre for the United Chinese Society, assistance to the vice president of a prominent health system in Hawaii, film producer and director as well as administrative roles. She has a Master’s in Information Systems and a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration majoring in Finance both from American universities. Ms. Wong has been appointed as the Head of Administration. We welcome her to Hanova.
Parent School Association (PSA). Our second PSA meeting of this year will be held on Tuesday, 22nd October. There will be an opportunity to learn something about the International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum in short meetings for the primary years and the middle years from 3pm. These meetings will help to explain the curriculum your child is experiencing. The meetings will be held in the Library. This will be followed at 3:30pm by a PSA meeting where previous events will be reviewed from the end of last year and plans for future events will be discussed. Parents and friends will also have an opportunity to make comments, suggestions or raise concerns about any general aspects of the school.
Please put the event in your diary and come along whether it is just to listen, make suggestions or offer your assistance.
Scholastic Books. Please remember the last date for ordering books form the Scholastic catalogue is October 28th. You can ask Ms Camellia Feng in the library for a Scholastic magazine, or ask Ms May Liu in the office. Any books ordered are likely to come before the holiday break, but it cannot be guaranteed. Don’t miss out on the chance to order English language books!
Xi’an City Wall Run. As you may remember from an earlier newsletter a number of parents, staff and children are taking part in the City Wall Run on November 2nd. Some of them will be donating some money to the Yellow River Soup Kitchen, a local organisation that does a great deal of good work to help people in Xi’an in need of food, clothing or other assistance. If you are one of the 31 runners and would like to collect sponsors or pledges please contact Richard Gallerno for a sheet to make a collection. This collection of money is, of course, entirely optional.
If you would like to pledge some money to someone for this run please contact May Liu in the office. She will let you know who is running, so you can decide which runner you would like to challenge or support. This is so we do not have people in the school being asked to pledge money by more than one person.
The run will be a lot of fun (we hope) and if we can raise some money at the same time for the YRSC then all the better.
Best regards,
Martin Hughes
Forthcoming events
Wednesday, 16th & Parent Consultations 2:30-7pm
Thursday, 17th 2:30-5:30pm No ECAs, buses return at 3:45pm
Friday, 18th Informal Q&A on school for Korean speakers 9:45am
Friday, 18th Informal Q&A on school for Chinese speakers 3pm
Monday, 21st Y7-9 Humanities trip to Metso and Intel 9am-3:15pm
Tuesday, 22nd Y3 Duathlon 12:40 - 13:20
Tuesday, 22nd PSA meeting 3pm
Wednesday, 23rd Duathlon: Y1 13:20 – 14:00; Y2 14:14 – 14:55
Friday, 25th Duathlon/Triathlon Y4-6
Saturday, 2nd Xi’an City Wall Run