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The Principal's Newsletter

School photo day

By Mr Martin Hughes

Dear Parents and

Personal Project Exhibition. Our Year 11 students have been working hard throughout the year on their Personal Project. The Personal Project is an individual piece of work which allows students to focus on their approach to learning and organisation skills, as well as attempting to develop a product or outcome. They have studied a variety of topics including painting, website development and dance and are excited to have the opportunity to show the community what they have achieved. The Personal Project Exhibition will take place on Friday, June 6th at 9:35am following assembly. All members of the community are invited that morning to view their work and enjoy light refreshments in the library. We look forward to seeing you there!

Art Exhibition. The school’s Art Exhibition will be opening in the morning straight after the Dragon Boat Festival. Please put this in your diary if you would like to come – 9am on Tuesday, 3rd June, when there will be light refreshments and an opportunity to be the first to see the art work displayed throughout the school. 

Prom for International Teens in Xi’an (PIT-X). Last Saturday evening, students in Year 9-13 in all international schools in the city were invited to the 2nd annual PIT-X event, this year held at Kempinski Hotel. Most schools participated by organising entertaining activities and donating Lucky Draw prizes. About 60 students attended this year and everyone enjoyed the food and fun activities. For many students, the opportunity to expand their social network by developing new friendships was the best part of PIT-X. Students from various schools in Xi’an are already planning to work together to organise next year’s Prom.

Photo Day. Thank you for sending your child in their green polo shirt this Wednesday (28th May).  We were pleased to have Jon Rice in taking photos of all the students and staff.  These photos will be sent home by the end of the year in a format yet to be decided.

Year 3 Field Trip. Last Thursday, Year 3 enjoyed a wonderful field trip to a local village house.  The students enjoyed various activities related to our unit on how people interact with their environment.  They made miniature shelters from sticks, leaves, rocks, and twine.  We had some very creative designs and one group even made a houseboat!  The students also enjoyed a nature scavenger hunt.  We ended the day by leaving a good "legacy" in the environment by making bird feeders and hanging them in the trees surrounding the village house. 

Parent Volunteer Group. Mark your calendars!  We would like to invite all of our parent volunteers to a "Volunteer Thank You Tea."  Please join us in the staff room on Thursday, June 5th at 3:45pm.  We hope to see you there so that we can thank you for the time you have invested into making Hanova a great school for our students.  Please RSVP by email to  or to let us know if you are coming.

Dragon Boat Festival and Saturday Sports. We hope you enjoy the long weekend for the Dragon Boat festival.  Please remember that there is no school on Monday, 2nd June.  As it is a holiday weekend there will be no Saturday Sports.

Best regards,

Martin Hughes


Forthcoming events

Saturday, 31st                              No Saturday Sports


Monday, 2nd                                School closed for Dragon Boat Festival

Tuesday, 3rd                                Opening of Art Exhibition 9am

Tuesday, 3rd to Wednesday, 4th Y7-8 trip to Foping

Friday, 6th                                    Personal Project Exhibition from 9:35am

Monday, 9th to Tuesday, 10th Y9-13 trip to Foping

Wednesday, 11th                        Graduation (Y13) ceremony and dinner

Thursday, 12th                            XHIS v Hanova football match

Friday, 13th                                  Read-a-thon finishes

Monday 16th                               Special Read-a-thon Assembly

Friday, 13th                                  Second semester reports sent home

Friday, 20th                                  Last day – half day.  Buses leave 1:15pm

About the Author

Martin Hughes

Former School Principal

Mr Martin Hughes was the founding Principal of Hanova from 2012-15. Prior to his time at Hanova, he already had 23 years of experience as Principal in the UK and China at five different schools - including posts at Wuxi EtonHouse and EtonHouse's flagship Suzhou school. During his time as founding Principal at Hanova, he helped support the initial IB Diploma Programme authorisation (2014) and used his educational vision to help plant our then brand new school on a firm foundation. Under his leadership, Hanova's motto emerged, "Enabling children to become independent, creative and lifelong learners!"

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