Art Exhibition. It was a delight to attend the opening of the Art Exhibition last Tuesday. The front lobby and the school’s corridors on all three floors in the main school building had been transformed since the children left the school the previous Friday. The quality of the work on display is a testament to the children’s efforts, but also to the fantastic work that Ms Elaine Cowper has been doing throughout the year and across the whole school. She has been assisted by Ms Judy Wang and latterly Ms Noi Muntzer. I understand that every student in the school has at least one item on display.
Do remember that the Art Exhibition is on display for another week and a half. Don’t miss the chance to visit and view the work.
Yearbook. We are pleased to announce that the second annual Yearbook will go on sale, ready to be distributed on Thursday, 18th June. This year we hope to have a hardcover version with many of the exciting memories for the year 2013-2014. An order form will be sent home very soon so that you can secure your copy of the Yearbook. Please look out for this order form early next week, which will include the price of the Yearbook.
Personal Project Exhibition. A reminder that our Year 11 students are presenting their Personal Projects this week. The Personal Project is an individual piece of work which allows students to focus on their approach to learning and organisational skills, as well as attempting to develop a product or outcome. They have studied a variety of topics including painting, website development and dance and are excited to have the opportunity to show the community what they have achieved. The Personal Project Exhibition will take place on Friday, June 6th at 9.35am in the library following assembly. All members of the community are invited that morning to view their work and enjoy light refreshments in the library. We look forward to seeing you there.
Read-a-thon. The Primary Read-a-thon is well under way. We have completed 2 weeks of the given 4 weeks and many of the students are on track to meet their personal reading goal. If you are unsure of your child's progress please contact your child's homeroom teacher for an update. Many of the classes have Read-a-thon displays up showing all of the students reading. It is wonderful to see so many students reading and working so hard! Just a reminder that the Read-a-thon will finish on Friday, 13th June. We will then have a special Read-a-thon assembly on Monday, 16th June at 11:00am to celebrate Reading! We hope to see many of you there.
Reports and Student Led Conferences. Staff are busy finalising the reports. These will be sent home on 13th June.
You will have a chance to see your child’s work and your child will talk through some of the work and the learning they have undertaken through the year. They will be able to show you the digital portfolio that is a record of a sample of their work done throughout the year. This will be done on Tuesday, 17th June at the Student Led Conferences (SLCs) which are for all students. More information will follow on the SLCs which we really hope you are able to attend. You may want to bring a USB along to the SLC so you can get a copy of your child’s digital portfolio.
When you receive your child’s report you may have some additional questions that are not fully answered by the report or the explanatory notes sent with it. There will be an opportunity to arrange a meeting with the relevant teachers in the last week
Extra Curricular Activities (ECAs) and Saturday Sports. Just a reminder that this week is the last week for ECAs and for the playgroup. Buses will be returning at 3:45pm for the last two weeks, apart from the last day when they will return at 1:15pm.
This Saturday (7th) is the last Saturday Sports for this school year. Thank you to all who have attended and hopefully enjoyed using the facilities and to the staff, especially Sam Quan, that have come in to make sure all runs as smoothly as possible.
Best regards,
Martin Hughes
Forthcoming events
Tuesday, 3rd to Friday, 13th Opening of Art Exhibition 9am
Tuesday, 3rd to Wednesday, 4th Y7-8 trip to Foping
Thursday, 5th Last day for ECAs
Friday, 6th Personal Project Exhibition from 9:35am
Saturday, 7th Last day for Saturday Sports this year
Monday, 9th to Tuesday, 10th Y9-13 trip to Foping
Wednesday, 11th Graduation (Y13) ceremony and dinner
Thursday, 12th XHIS v Hanova football match
Friday, 13th Reports for second semester sent home
Monday, 16th Read-a-thon assembly 11am
Tuesday, 17th Student Led Conferences
Tuesday, 17th Y6 Exhibition
Friday, 20th School closes 1pm Buses leave 1:15pm