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The Principal's Newsletter

Hanova’s Student Body chooses Head Students

By Mr Martin Hughes

Dear Parents and

Student Leaders. We would like to congratulate the following students for being appointed to the school leadership team:

Head Students are Harry Zhang and Hyun Yi So.

The house leaders are: Collins Mbithi and Emily Chen for Tang; Rodrigo Martin and Amée Trull for Song; Cory Quilaton and Do Kyung Kim for Qin; and Sam Lee and Julie Gyuri for Han.

Year 8 English: Medieval Madness. Our aspiring novelists in year 8 this week have been undertaking an exciting task learning all about the process of writing their own stories. The students were required to research, compile ideas, draft, edit, develop and illustrate their own Medieval story. After their novels were complete, they had the opportunity to read their story to a PYP class. The PYP class wrote reviews on their performance, assisting students with peer and self-reflection.

Overall, the students had an enjoyable learning experience and the responses from the PYP were very positive. The year 8 students then went on to share what they had learned from this experience with a presentation during the assembly for the whole upper school. Well done year 8 for such a fantastic effort throughout this task.

Elim Kids Orphanage and Movember. The Xi’an branch of Elim Kids Orphanage is an organisation which has provided therapy programmes to help local children with cerebral palsy, HIV and other serious medical conditions for nearly 10 years. Some of these children require specialised medication, surgery, or a high level of care to manage their needs. Hanova Student Council voted to raise funds and collect toys to help Elim Kids at our first meeting. The fundraising drive will consist of donations that are collected from our annual Movember activity. Students should have been given a voting ballot in their homeroom class. Students can use this ballot to vote for the Hanova staff member who they believe has the best or worst moustache and/or beard. Each vote costs only 1 RMB, and students may vote as many times as they wish using one ballot. Votes will be counted on Friday and the King or Queen of Movember will be announced before 2 pm. All funds and toys collected will be donated to Elim Kids in time for the upcoming holiday season. Please be generous!

ECAs. Parents are reminded that ECA Block 1 finishes this week. There will be no ECAs until shortly after we return from Mid Winter Break. School buses will leave Hanova at 3:45pm each day until ECA Block 2 begins. Parents will be asked to complete ECA forms before the start of Block 2.

Admissions and fees. We have a meeting of our Admission Panel at the end of this week.  This is considering applications for places at Hanova from 5th January 2015.  We continue to limit the growth of the school particularly for students who are not proficient in English.  Parents of new applicants should receive confirmation of the offer, or refusal, of a place by 5th December.

Parents, or the companies, of current students who pay the School’s Tuition Fees in two instalments should also have received an invoice informing them that fees are due on 11th December for the second semester that starts on 5th January.  Those parents who have paid the fees for School Trips (called the EOTC fee) should not have received a request for this amount in their invoice, provided it was paid in the instalment in the first semester.  Similarly for parents of Primary children for the use of computer fee.  The fees charged are for the whole school year. Trips out of the school are an integral part of the programme and link in to the curriculum in the school.  They are an essential part of the Hanova learning experience. Although these items are currently separately identified on invoices neither of these charges is optional. 

As these charges were a new development for our school this academic year, we understand that there may be some confusion over them.  If you are in doubt and require further information please do not hesitate to contact the school office.

Best regards,

Martin Hughes


Forthcoming events                

Friday, 28th       Admission Panel considers new applicants for 2nd Semester


Friday, 5th         New applicants parents informed of offer or declension of place

About the Author

Martin Hughes

Former School Principal

Mr Martin Hughes was the founding Principal of Hanova from 2012-15. Prior to his time at Hanova, he already had 23 years of experience as Principal in the UK and China at five different schools - including posts at Wuxi EtonHouse and EtonHouse's flagship Suzhou school. During his time as founding Principal at Hanova, he helped support the initial IB Diploma Programme authorisation (2014) and used his educational vision to help plant our then brand new school on a firm foundation. Under his leadership, Hanova's motto emerged, "Enabling children to become independent, creative and lifelong learners!"

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