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The Principal's Newsletter

Year 4 and 5 Trial Swimming Program

By Mr Martin Hughes

Dear Parents and

IB Diploma Programme Verification Visit. Apologies for the delay in providing feedback on this visit of more than 2 weeks ago. We are happy and proud to announce that the visit went very smoothly and it was clear from the visitors’ comments in the last meeting that we had made a very good impression. Thank you to all of you who were a part of this historical occasion. The visitors were very happy with their meetings with parents and students.
These are just a few of the comments made by the IB visitors:

  • Academic Integrity policy is good; meets IB requirements.
  • Language Policy meets IB requirements; need to add new languages for 2015.
  • Assessment Policy meets IB requirements; needs more detail on types of assessment.
  • Admissions Policy very clear and explicit; meets IB requirements.
  • Evident commitment and support of Board for IB philosophy, the Diploma and school.
  • School is ready for Diploma in terms of resources, support and facilities.
  • Sound strategic decisions in employing experienced IB DP and MYP senior managers.
  • Good communications; evident interest and growing knowledge of student and parental communities. Clear that DP is desired by community.
  • Commendable timetable, concurrency of learning and collaborative planning time.
  • Commendation for several teachers and faculties. Commended the collegial, collaborative approach to TOK (Theory of Knowledge).
  • Academic Honesty seems established in student community.
  • Commendably wide range of Diploma subjects offered for students’ needs.
  • Commended inclusion, knowledge and enthusiasm of support and administrative staff.
  • Praise for high quality administrative staff.
  • Hanova Diploma is a good option; allows for achievement for all students and ensures inclusive
  • Teachers seem committed in the DP to teaching here.
  • General physical standards of school.

Obviously, it’s by no means guaranteed that we will receive IB authorisation but it’s safe to say that we did very well in the verification visit. We should get the official IB report by late December and, of course, we will inform you as soon as possible.

Year 4 and 5 Trial Swimming Program. For the previous three weeks, students in Year 4 and 5 have been participating in a trial swimming programme at Feeling Fitness, the venue of a newly opened swimming pool. Students were taught a wide variety of swimming skills from a team of four coaches. Remarkable improvements were noted during the lessons and most students displayed a high level of water confidence. About 60% of students are able to swim 25 metres or longer without stopping. Above all else, the students really enjoyed their time swimming. They
behaved very well and represented the school with pride and dignity.

Special thanks goes to Randy and his team at Feeling Fitness and all the supportive parents who came along to assist, observe, provide the students with a variety of treats or help behind the scenes. Hopefully the positive outcomes of the trial can lead to further opportunities for children at Hanova to participate in swimming lessons in the future.

Saturday Sports. The weather seems to have turned much colder now. This Saturday will be the last Saturday Sports for a while. It has been our custom to restart this sometime after the Chinese New Year. Keep an eye on this newsletter for the restart date.

Assessment and Reporting Workshop. On Friday 12th December from 4-5pm, our MYP Coordinator, David English, will be holding a workshop for parents on ‘Assessment and Reporting in the MYP’, in anticipation of the report cards being issued on Wednesday 17th December. During this time, parents will be given vital information on the processes of assessment at Hanova and how we report student progress within the Middle Years Programme. There will also be a question and answer session about assessment following the workshop to address any immediate concerns you may have. We sincerely hope you are able to attend.

Award Assembly. Tomorrow, Friday, 5th December 2014, our Secondary section will hold our first Award Assembly. Outstanding academic students will be awarded academic certificates, outstanding sports people, sports certificates, and students who have made great contributions in terms of their creative endeavours and service to the community will also receive recognition.
A student will be selected from all those nominated for academic awards and this student will receive the Board Award. As the name suggests, this award is donated by our Board of Directors. It includes a fun and a serious element. The quality of work coming out of our small school is quite awe inspiring and if you have time I encourage you all to stop and watch the display on the monitor in the foyer.

All parents are invited to attend the Award Assembly.

Best regards,
Martin Hughes

Forthcoming events

Thursday, 4th            Y7 trip to Banpo Museum

Friday, 5th                 Secondary Awards Assembly 3pm – Parents welcome

Friday, 5th                 New applicants parents informed of offer or declension of place

Friday, 5th                 Y5 sing at Gran Melia Hotel Christmas lighting ceremony

Saturday, 6th            Last Saturday Sports of the winter

Wednesday, 10th     Y5 performance of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone for Primary students

Friday, 12th               No Primary Assembly

Friday, 12th               Assessment and Reporting in the MYP 4pm-5pm in auditorium

Wednesday, 17th      Primary Years Final Assembly

Wednesday, 17th      MY students reports home (PY reports are planned to go home in January)

Wednesday, 17th      Last day before Christmas holiday

About the Author

Martin Hughes

Former School Principal

Mr Martin Hughes was the founding Principal of Hanova from 2012-15. Prior to his time at Hanova, he already had 23 years of experience as Principal in the UK and China at five different schools - including posts at Wuxi EtonHouse and EtonHouse's flagship Suzhou school. During his time as founding Principal at Hanova, he helped support the initial IB Diploma Programme authorisation (2014) and used his educational vision to help plant our then brand new school on a firm foundation. Under his leadership, Hanova's motto emerged, "Enabling children to become independent, creative and lifelong learners!"

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